Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I think so too, i'm feeling a lot more confident today than I was the past 2 days!!


Good job (but don't forget I booked 18% yesterday) :p

I like SKF to make another run!!


Sold out @ $3.95 buy from $4.00 Doesn't seem like they'll let it get much higher than the $4.50 area no matter what since the liquidation was triggerred.


Booked @ $12.92 & $4.43 & $6.86
Bought @ @12.56 & $4.23& $6.29


Got a pic I can e-mail if the navy allows it :)


Fell asleep on my couch!!!

1/4 point and gold going up so I assume they left it open to more cuts??


Oil $114 and DCR only up 2%??

Sorry guys

Just got in, made a late night visit to a friends house!!

I'm assuming the oil inventories went my way?? Oil under $115 :)


Great advice, my dad died when I was little so my uncle became my father figure and he's been single for life and retired at 42 and is a millionaire now. Taught me VERY well about the ways women could mess up your life :)


So you chose Cancun??? Thats my spot :)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Who's coming with me?????

Vegas John?

Ever been????

As far as the monthly checks I got it from a reliable source!!

And the winner is

The final results of the Miss CNBC pageant:
Erin Burnett
Margaret Brennan
Trish Regan
Becki Quick

Thanks to all the judges!!!!!!

New poll to come within the hour!!

Ron re AX

Guess he's over the fact that he screwed all his followers by not having them take any profits last run-up. He must figure this is low enough to come back and make it seem like he's the one that reversed gold. What a fraud he is. Did you know his dad sends him money every month and thats how he can never book profits and always be able to buy on dips? True story!!

The calm before the storm

Gold & oil steady so far overseas.

More Financial Pain

Another article from Seeking Alpha regarding financials. I'm gonna add the link to the Seeking Alpha homepage to our list.

DCR/UCR info

Seems that June 25th will be the last day of trading since the three days over $111 was triggered. It says the value will be based on the June 25th closing price of crude. This leads me to believe it will be adjusted on that day and not simply reflect the market price????

Also there was another article saying a new pair was to come soon with a starting point of $100 instead of the $60 these started at.


I love that NYMEX link. I could never find a good crude quote!!


Could come back into play. Was one of my first stocks running me from $6 to $12 then dove last summer bottomming at $3.31 2 weeks back. I just got an e-mail saying they settled the lawsuit against them so we may see them get back to business. Currently @ $4.76. I'll look into it further.

LOL Cubed

He was saying that this morning and saying a little birdie (I mean wave) told him ;)

Thanks bro

Think I should have booked the 6% before close????

Thanks Hawk

If you notice I booked a couple times today when we got close to 10% and was able to get back in lower. Made an awful day pretty good:)


WOW!!!! I saw that DCR had moved almost 20% a couple times last week so decided to try yesterday. Thank God I did :)

I can see it getting back to the $8 level if we can get oil back under $110!!!


Don't ever place a trade if a part of you doesn't want to. Regretting something after the fact is the worst thing. whadda ya think of DZZ??? I figure we got an 8% gain if POG goes to $835!!!


I really think we can clean up in DCR!! We get a build in supplies tomorrow and we should head back towards $110 IMO

The risk/reward is a MUST!!!!

Also FGOC is about ready. I started out with Glitterbug when she was .28 cents and we started a cult following over at Kitco. Once they start pouring we're talking 4 bagger from here IMO

I also like SKF tomorrow??


Definitely one of Bruce's down over 50% the past 2 weeks & has gone from $40 to $8.72 during this gold bull!!



Trying to find a miner that hasn't been beaten up too badly so I can short. Thanks in advance!!


Are definitely the plays right now.


These are some REALLY bad times I guess!! Silence everywhere!!!!


Added @ $30.16

Look out below

Gold trying to bounce off a double bottom but looks like it slipped below :0

Next stop $858!!!!!!!!!!

AX & the Boppers

You're right Cubed, definitely a 60's band!!! I can picture AX singing in one of those beach movies!! LMAO


This is just me so DYODD but here is the approach I would take. I think we're going lower between now and 2:15 tomorrow (not by much though). I would stay where you are and have your fingers ready to sell out of one (depending on the decision and language). If you're leaning more towards the market rallying after the decision then selling some SKF would be your move as you'd still own some and could sell the UYG at 2:15.

Let me know if that confused you lol

Basically you're gonna make out no matter what :)

Hey Cubed

That kid who Bop's off & AX are truly classless people. All pigs is saying, like he has the past couple weeks, is that we are going lower and trying to help people avoid losses. The two jacka$$es simply attack him and call him names and make up things (sound familiar? thats how they baited me into getting banned).

Plain & simple they are cheerleaders who have ABSOLUTELY no financial knowledge or ability. It's a shame that those poor guys listen to them.

BTW nailing this DCR pretty good so far today ;)


I'll go check him out lol


Back in @ $4.00 at least something's putting a smile on my face :)

Thanks for the link Cubed!!! It's added on the blog, first one!!


At what levels are you holding SKF's and UYG's??? You should be able to nail this good if the UYG's are in the money!!


About to break through, not good at all!!!!!!!! Oil just above $115


Booked $3.81 buy @ $4.12

Gonna look to re-enter again!!!


The quickest fix for me would be for FGOC to release some significant news. Been waiting a LONG time to hit paydirt and I feel it right around the corner.


We just have to be creative and make money wherever we can. I sincerely think oil is going back under $115 and have a sizeable lot of DCR!!! Fingers crossed. Good luck my friend!!

So close

We came within a dollar of the March 31st low of $872. I don't think we're gonna hold it tgese next two days, could get ugly!!


Embarrassed to post but added @ $12.56

The miners are getting ABSOLUTELY slaughtered


Added both $30.02 & $20.47

DZZ is a double lot that I would be more than happy to book at a loss!!!

I am sooooooooooo in the red it's sickening!!! Financial or oil sell-off would help a LOT (or a POG rise of course)


Back in $3.81 Felt I shouldn't have booked with the risk/reward so great. Got back in 1% less so..


Added @ $5.92

Let's get this dog barking!!


ok all fundamental traders now tell me why crude oil went down today!!??? 116 right nowI know why it went down (reason:EW said so)This is what i am telling you all about in the mid term. It does not require any fundamental factors to move it up or down..

OK, i've admitted he's very useful in gathering ideas, but with all the either this or that will happens. And he's far off and has to adjust very often. I'm not claiming to be anywhere's near him in ability as i trade more off instinct, but this comment really bothered me. 600,000 barrells/day came back on and demand outlook came in 5% less than expected. Now wouldn't that tell us oil was going to go down and not the guesses, I mean waves???


Booked @ $3.85 buy from $3.55 :)

Added AZK @ $4.23 (absolutely love it here)


Booked $97.08 buy @ $99.94

3% is looking good these days!!!!


Is this guy really our leader????? I had no idea he had the IQ of a 6 year old?????


As far as the bonds, we're those ETF's able to be shorted???? If so do they reflect what you are looking for????

I'm being WAY too stubborn with my miners here. I haven't shorted one in weeks which isn't like me at all?????

I did just add SLW @ $13.18 :) Guess I'm just looking for pain???


A way to play that is to have positions in each and bail on one right after the announcement. Direction usually becomes rather clear at that point and you're in a can't lose situation.


Whats your crystal ball say for oil short-term? I think i'm gonna be greedy in my DCR play


Added @ $6.49


FWIW, on days like this, it likes to open lower and get down a quick 4%+ Great buying opportunity around $6.40-45



Any plays you thinking of? DZZ getting no volume????

Still getting numbers worse each month ie) housing, confidence.. I'd think the market is VERY ready for a reversal??

Deep Doo-Doo

I think we're in it re) POG!! Maybe a nice washout to $850 then we can build a base???


It's an oil UltraShort ETF. As for $200 oil, I could care less. I bought this with the intent of oil dropping and me booking a profit. Not to wait around for $200 oil.

I'd jump aboard, up 13% since I bought yesterday and I think we see $115 oil today!! DYODD


Looks like i'm gonna get a big move today :)

Monday, April 28, 2008


FWIW I think we are VERY close to the listing and/or starting of their gold pouring. I've invested a year and a half in this stock since it was at .28 and rode to the mid .90's. I think this pullback is shaking out some weak hands who are disappointed and is an ABSOLUTE GIFT to us!!!!

IMO we're over $1 by August!!! DYODD


Dollar looks like it's getting ready to break out one way or the other very soon.

Whatta ya think is is store for da buck if we get a pause????

Vegas trip

I apologize for not spending enough time and "trading" but we'll know when the time is right to take it live IMO!!!

??? SLW

Coming up with .11 or .13??? vs estimate of .10

Sales were lower on shipment delays and low-grade ore at 2 sites.

Seems to be at the bottom of it's channel so I was hoping for a nice run here?????


Just got in, anyyone check earnings???? I'll BRB!!


Added @ $3.55

Whatta ya figure John?? Isn't $3.33 the low???? Risk/reward looks nice here!!


I apologize for cubed. He gets grumpy VERY quickly. Don't take it personally please!


Anyone have an opinion on NovaGold??

Just started a position @ $7.19!!!!

The thing I hate about miners

Well there's more than one thing, but the fact that most our miners are currently sitting at the same levels they were at last October as Gold was running through the $700's while we are just below $900 currently!!!!


Added @ $97.06

I gotta get some books pretty soon here!!!!!!


IF gold dosn't recover and in fact falls, and IF the bottom is in as far as the main market is concerned, i'm going to play QID/QLD & DXD/DDM heavily. LOTS of Plants & Books!!!!

I just don't wanna give up on our precious or another run to $140 SKF!!!!!!!

Steve Leisman is a joke

He must get a bonus if he helps pump the market. How can he seriously call himself a professional economist????

He's trying to show how this stimulus package is going to affect consumer spending and he can't even get the amount of stimulus checks correct. He needs to adjust for the TENS of MILLIONS of people who are going to have their rebate applied to their balance due to the IRS, and also to the MILLIONS who will not be filing until October 15th due to extension.

What a joke!!

Bond ETF's

Seems like you can short the one's myself & Cubed showed but I couldn't find a direct short like SKF/QID!!!


Here there are three Market Vectors Bond ETF's (you'd have to try to see if you can short them) ITM, MLN & SMB

I see cubed posted three, i'll take a look and BRB


Added @ $51.12

POG trying hard to get $900 and main markets primed for a reversal IMO!!! Fingers crossed.


Added @ $4.43


Added @ $14.55

Report after the bell tonite

POG making a run @ $900 :)


Booked $6.65 buy @ $6.92


Maybe someone knows how to change to HTML? In my posts it is automatic:

But when I try in a comment you have to do the HTML formatting. I'd think there is a way to have it done automatically.

As for MDP's question, If we're to stay the course then we are very overbought in the main markets. I'm staying put until 2:15 Wednesday and gonna take it from there.


Added that technical indicators link for you to our list of links!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008


On the right side of the blog I have "links I commonly Use", remember???????? I even put your band's site. Not sure what you're talking about???????

Sorry Guys

It was just a chat me, Hawk & Cubed had that I didn't think was appropriate to be out in the public.

I have officially signed Hawk to a three year contract :)

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Whatcha mean??????


I'm gonna figure out a way for you to post charts here for all my boyz. Glad you're aboard!!!!! We have a blast and help each other out all day!!!



Hawk, I am soooooo excited you're here. I wish I could findf a way to let you post charts??? Maybe I can give you my ID and you can post that way????

BTW Becky rulez

Becky Quick?????????

You gotta be sh1tt1ng me???? You mean outta the 16 people who voted, only 1 thinks she's in the top 3?????

Remember she's up at 4 AM and we're watching her while we're dragging our a$$es out of bed.

That sucks!!!!!!

Friday, April 25, 2008


I think i'm the only one allowed to post pics. I'll try it.

I love pigs :)

All he's doing is stating the obvious and all the sensitive gold-bugs who take it personally when someone is anything but ultrabullish, are using the usual "Pigs you are dumb", "Pigs you should sell then" arguements since they have no idea how to deal with contrary views aside from attacking the individual!!! It's so immature!!

Oh brother

You guys are killing me today!!!!!

Gold will come back after the elections
Take the summer off

I NEED results every day, or else i'll go back to gambling!!!!


He's nailed a few dead on but missed badly on others, like the Dec 7th turn date last year. i'll give him a couple days leeway here and see what happens.

I'm ashamed to say this but we may have to start looking for greener pastures the next few months??? I got a few ideas in mind if POG doesn't get moving soon!!!


Thats awesome :) Congrats!!!


Booked $32.69 buy @ $32.87

Added DXD @ $52.21

Not to cheer for violence, but we could be back under 12,700 VERY quickly!!!

Market stimulus plan

Just a quick note on the total amount. Over 15% of US taxpayers have balance due accounts, whether from the current year or going back to 1998 (the oldest year we can still collect from).

NONE of these people will be receiving their "advance on next years refund" (which is what it is), instead it will be applied to their balance due. Remember this when the gov't is bragging about the total amount of stimulus. On top of that I can confidently say that over 50% of those receiving checks will be using the money to help get out of debt. Not going to circuit city or wal-mart.

Just my .02


Where'd you find that????

Yamana & SLW

Booked $12.85 AUY buy @ $13.15 (only 2 1/2% but taking what I can get)

Added SLW @ $14.65 Really think we're gonna get a blowout quarter on Monday. Whether it results in a big move is to be seen!!!!

AX's V's

Looks like we just got one, let's see if we can follow through over $900!!


If we can head towards 12,720 area and break below after the fed meeting next week, then SKF will come into play BIG time again IMO!! I still think we have another 100-140 run in us before the summer!! JMO


I'm absolutely LOVING it!!!!!!! Surprised people don't think it's me!!!

Sorry to inform you guys but I have decided to shut down the blog

unless Margaret Brennan wins!!!!!!!! J/K vote honestly!!!!


I'm pretty loaded here and don't like the fact we broke out of the top of our range. Although it could be a trap??


New York smackdown ;)

Thursday, April 24, 2008


They have some nice properties but in bad countries????? Really like it under $7!!!!

BTW someone still doesn't get the poll and only voted for 1??? I figured by us each picking three we'd get a reliable answer??


Dude I totally forgot about her. She brightens up my 11:00 hour every day :)

Everybody happy now????

PLEASE vote for your top three (in any order).

Regarding the new poll

I allowed for multiple guesses and asked for the top three (in no order) for everyone. We should have 18 votes for 6 guesses.

New poll

I allowed for multiple answers but limit to three so we can determine the top three.


EUro ready to run. Just pumped $4,000,000 into it with my Forex acct.


Added @ .51 an absolute must at this price IMO


Bottom was put in on April 1st!!


Trying to get back to $13

GORO has been AMAZING!!!!!!!


This is what cyclist posted a few weeks back:

Expect to see a run in the food complex this summer .To be long the AG and short the market for the summer will definitely do the trick.Deflationary currents will end up in an global inflationary blowout in 2009

And this is his last post :)

just buy gold and silver , go to the beach and meditate


True but I know how J6P will react if we get no ease and a hawkish statement due to the inflationary pressures out there JMO

On a positive note

We have held the April 1st low so far.

Whats everyone's opinion on SKF???

I'd think if we don't get a rate cut the markets will sell off pretty hard???????


I saw that John, it almost makes up for the 15 or so lots I currently have in the red *sarcasm*

FWIW Cyclist is EXTREMELY positive right now!!

My head

Is feeling much better after my 3rd beer this afternoon :)


Yeah when you have time to watch it, you can ride the trends. Just can't leave it or you'll come back margined out of your position.

I tried it a couple days then Monday came and I never got back to it.


Booked $28.08 buy @ $29.40


WTF, 20% gain???? Thought it was supposed to liquidate??


Booked $4.75 buy @ $4.95 (holding up very strong???)

Added SKF @ $102.09

Cyclist's last few comments. He has been calling for a low on the 24th for some time!!!

Mentioned that we moving between 940 and 900 band ,the moves are expected to be violent.This is the low end of the band.They are shaking the tree hard,gold acts stubborn here,so let it be.Turn date 24

Relative strength oil versus gold is making a turn around today.Turn date and the low for gold projects a stronger price action over oil.

Don't rely on the EURO for the price of gold,gold willmove independent.Right now the physical is on sale ,the higher gold goes more mines will be subject to nationalisation.However XAU is resting on support now,bought some YRI again as it bounced from its 13 dollars new support

The bottom for the miners might very well today ,with relative strength going to be favorably to gold versus oil,the cost will come down percentage wise.Certain stocks,with good balance sheets , have been mauled this time.It looks better than any other time to get in today

Joe's last stand

added EGO @ $6.65 & AZK @ $4.60


Back to bed for me LOL

added Yamana @ $12.85!!!!

WOW 14!!!!

Can you imagine that???? 14 and still no closed to the answer???

When I first partook on this endeavor I figured an answer would come of it, but after 14 beers, i'm still only thinking of Gold? ;)

Maybe I should have taken this experiment on the road?????

Hawk rulez

LOL about his latest posts. Hopefully he's correct and the dollar is history. If anyone knows if it's possible to post charts here let me know. Hawk told me that was the only reason he didn't follow over here. I'm sure we all agree he'd be an AMAZING asset to us all!!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I too am LOADED in DGP and believe we WILL be rewarded. Just playing devils advocate here!!


Quite possibly is already happened except that we don't consider the powers that be on wall street to be " criminal influences" like mafia types, when they should be!!!!!


I'm still VERY intrigued here. They report on Monday and the amount of silver they have is mind-boggling!!!! They could have an AMAZING quarter??????


Still feels like THE play if we're gonna correct hard right???

DZZ time

Looks like you'll be loading up in DZZ then John?? Should get you about 16% profit on the way to $830!!!!!


New poll posted to get a feel for everyone's confidence!!

Damn Red Sox

Timlin gave up another run in the clutch. We need two in the 9th to tie!!!

Celts blowing the Hawks out of the building again ;)

I wish I could

But I can't take KOG's site with a grain of salt. Two days ago he had us heading to $970 and today he has heading south for the next month with no reason to believe we would be moving higher?????

Guess I was just excited when his bullish calls were correct and ignored the rest of his calls???

Not claiming to be any better, just wanted to put that out there.

BTW 6 beers and still thinking about gold, will keep you guys apprised.

Hanging tough

I'm gonna hang tight for a bit. GBN, IAG and a few others got hit extremely hard today for the simple reason of scaring people out of their positions.

Stay the course and we will be rewarded, I think????


I'm trying to figure out how many beers I need to drink until I forget that i'm invested in gold :)


I'm seeing .19 cents/share for the upcoming year????


Started position @ $28.08

gotta make something is this thing gets hammerred!!


No worries John!! Booked almost 5% first buy and down a bit over 9% this time. I would have been down in any miner!!


I think they're the equivalent to DZZ/DGP in the US markets Cubed!!


Riding out all my miners for the time being!!!!


Very few of my holdings are in the money right now :0

I should have been planting some DZZ's against my DGP's!!!!

Oh well, gotta keep the faith.

Anyone taken a stab at Apple????

Wish I knew how to play Golf

Today would be an awesome day, mid 70's!!!!


Added Yamana @ $13.64


SLW @ $15.10


This sub 900 level is a concern :0

The positive spin we could put here is that we are looking at possible steals of the century in the miners.

As for SKF/UYG, i'm sitting on batches of SKF from 107-117 and usually don't start UYG positions until it hits $30 (although I mat start @ $31 this time)

Please John

Don't ever think I would aim a deragoratory comment towards you. I am EXTREMELY glad to have met you and appreciate all of your views and ideas. You know my stance on AX and how much it bothers me that he leads people to never book profits when at all-time highs. I know this is the furthest from the truth regarding you. I'm an extremely considerate/kind guy who would do anything to help someone and had I not been attacked by AX without ant provocation, I probably would have been able to treat him better.

I sincerely hope you don't think I was trying to be derogatory towards yourself or Ron and if you do feel this way than I want to apologize from the bottom of my heart!!


Go For it

Don't forget to CC AX


You could make a mint at my house. I fill up 2 big recycling bins every two weeks for pick-up!!!!!


Great thinking, I knew there was a reason we kept you around!!


Any ideas guys?? Reporting after the bell as far as I know!!!

POG still driving me nutz!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

920 is holding up nicely:)

Let's get em boyz!!!!


It's not worth it, the sheeple need a follower. It's the way of the world.

The Cardinals

That sucked John :( As for Sinclair, I probably shouldn't offer any opinion on him as it's extremely biased by my dislike for AX. The only things of his i've ever see are what AX has posted.

Whats up Peter, How ya been?????

Pushing 920 here boyz!!!!!!!


All you need to know Swattsup is that he's a level above AX in the cult. The master of all cheerleaders. Basically predicts a level for gold at a certain time then adjusts the chart foward till it's correct and all the "followers" think he's genius.

Every asset class needs someone like him pumping the asset or else it won't rise.

Tough loss John :(


Tomorrow is the big day, I can feel it. Otherwise i'm going long financials and short miners for the rest of my life ;)


I switched it off for a bit and now it's tied!!!!

That was horrible

Walk, single, bunt to pitcher, triple!!!!

Game over!! I have that Figueroa guy on the Mets, picked him up after dropping Looper, he's got a shutout going

Pujols rules

Only issue is he may be 39 years old ;) lol


Booked $105.11 buy @ $108.10

Added AUY @ $14.02


I got the package so I get to see every game. Love it!!!

Well you got a run there John!!!

I think you guys will compete for the division!!!

Unfortunately for me, i'm stuck in New Endland where all our teams suck, you know: Red Sox, Patriots, Celtics..... :)

Braden Looper

Fvcked me Sunday. I needed a spot started to qualify for minimum innings pitched and figured against the Giants at home i'd be OK!!!!

Ended up losing three categories (losses, WHIP & ERA) He was horrible, dropped him that night!!


I am getting sooooooooo bored guys!!!! Thank god there's a couple afternoon baseball games!!!!


Booked $51.28 buy @ $52.71

My gut

Is telling me we're ready to push past 950. We've retested 905 twice and feel we're ready to roll.

As for the mail markets, i'm hoping for a few days of 50-100 point declines to get to teh 12,500 area which would confirm to me that we're heading back to the lower trendline!!



Anyone know when they release results???? I have two sources, one saying tomorrow morning and the other saying next Monday morning?????


That $20 mark was some pretty strong support!!! Maybe now she can start running if POG leads the way!!!


Sorry dude, just noticed your missed calls!! Buzz me when you get up.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Have we hit the summer doldrums???? I was hoping for another run over $1000???? Either that, or another sell-off in the main markets!!!!


If I understand it right, you own shares long and the covered calls allow you to make money if they go down?????


He's been way off before, but has been dead on quite a few times as well. I'm praying he nails this one for all of us!!


we are in a very dangerous position here. If we don't get a major breakout by the end of next week, then I think we're correcting a bit lower and consolidating for quite some time!!!!!!


Couldn't resist @ $6.67!! Can't see much downside and can see $8 pretty easy!!


Added @ $6.67

Gold Trading Center

Is open for registration. The address is

It's free for now, this is KOG's site!!!


Added @ $7.19


$14.03 add!!!!!


Added @ $16.02

I think they're reporting Wednesday!!!


Booked $100.76 buy @ $106.58

Morning Sandee ;)

Good to see you helping Mike out!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Let's go Asia

Let's get this moving tonite!!!

Swattsup & Tom

Unfortunately i'm thinking the same as you guys!!!! Good news is being exaggerated and bad news being downplayed for the time being and the markets could see a further rise short term!!!!!

We shall see boyz!!!

Congrats John

Best of luck with the new car!!

Friday, April 18, 2008


If you guys watch Entourage on HBO, you gotta check out the video I posted (Ari Gold)


I'm sorry, I have no idea????? I'd think Goldfinger would know!!


Good stuff!!!!!!!!

Don't want to sound like a broken record but, I think next week is a big week for us!!!!!


Glad you're using the SKF/UYG trade. I too didn't get into UYG early enough last trip down.

Have a great weekend bud


Might sound silly but..

I really think this was a good week for us. We topped out in SKF at the called for $118 and were able to book most of the lots planted last trip down to $100. Then we came back down to $100 and are prepared for another trek upward.

Miners made a nice 7-10% move where we were able to book and were able to re-establish those same positions today on the retest.

Now I could change my opinion on this if we aren't back to the $950 area next week, but i'm feeling really confident for some reason?????


Added @ $16.36

Lot of pressure on next week!!!


$117 oil and DCR still hanging tough @ $3.70!!!!!

This correction wasn't too harmful to us IMO, Yamana only down 1/2%!!! next week we nail em good!!

Here we go

917 and counting!!! Love to see 920+ going into the weekend. Would be VERY bullish IMO


The financials have maxed out on their gains for the day. Should be flat rest of the day!!


Added @ $3.35

one more test

of $905????? Looking for another entry in Yamana around $14.10 by the end of the day.


Added @ $43.12 & $51.28


booked @ $14.43 buy from $14.01

Rate cut

I think no cut is baked in so we're going into the decision in better shape than previous meetings where if we didn't get what was expected we'd see a freefall. I think we're OK here JMO


I use a few things

- I try to buy or sell just before a round number is hit
- I use the percentage the stock is up/down for the day
- Most important, my gut feeling based on the fact that i've watched the stocks I follow every day for the past 2 years.


I called a low in Yamana?????? I simply added a lot @ $14.01, if you follow the blog I add on all pullbacks and book em on up days.


$22.14 add

Hopefully 905 can hold!!


added @ $100.76


Just don't sell now in the heat of the moment. Nice place to add if you're able!!


Added @ $14.01


That one week off John would have cost us an 18% run!!!! lol

OK who's the guy asking about food prep on a day like this???? ;)


It's gonna make me wait to see how today plays out before jumping heavier into my shorts!!!

Could be a head fake to around 13,000??????


How many days was I asleep?????

Citi is higher on one of the worst quarters i've ever seen????

Hey Tom

Right here with ya!!!! Gold pushing 947!!!!


Back over $52,000 finally!!!!


I have never seen something as coiled up in my lifetime!!!! Gonna be a MONSTER move!!!!!!!

YES!!!!!!!!! :)

Looking AWESOME boyz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

As advertised

Looking great with Gold. Heading towards the top of the uptrend started April 1st!!! Target 958 area


Oh, it's an e-mail?? Can you foward it to me??

New poll

and video for you guys!!!!


Whats the date on that???? I think it's from last summer????


is looking for a bottom tomorrow morning in Yamana before it starts it's rise!!!

Hope he's right guys!!!!


Setting up for a breakout tonite just like Tuesday night!!!

Should bode well for Gold!!!!


Nice charts on GIM!!!!

Looking good guys

Support held nicely today and we look to be heading back to the top of the uptrend channel overnight which would put us in the high 950's!!!

Best of luck to all!!


I think we are just so stuck in this range that it's reversing and flowing back and forth no matter the news!!!

It's great for us as $100-118 SKF should coma once again!!


Money is money right???

I think this was a great day for us. Markets getting close to the top of the range and setting SKF up for another run next week. POG had a healthy pullback and held it's upchannel perfectly.


Added @ $105.11


Love the bounce off $20!!


As far as gold, I was talking about the hourly chart where there is a beautiful upchannel in place.

As far as Seabridge, I was venting but am gonna stay put!!


Dude thats just scary!!! I posted about Seabridge before I even saw your comment!!!

SSRI(SA's silver counterpart) has had a rough time, but not nearly as tough!!

I think i'm gonna hold tight!!

Seabridge :(

Thinking about dumping a quarter of my holding @ $20?????


Take a look at an hourly chart, beautiful uptrend!!! Gotta hold $936 like KOG says!!

I'll take it

It gives us a chance to make the same money over and over again!!!! Whats better than that??


Added @ $53.25 & $46.18


Unfortunately MUCH more weight is being placed on any little positive news versus all the horrible news out there!!

Sooner or later we're gonna have the stretch of our lives!!


re AUY, you basically want to sell on strength like yesterday and add back on the dips like Coin is doing. It's tough to do as most people don't want to sell on days like yesterday but if you can replace what you booked at a lower price you make out on both ends!!


Added @ $107.55


added @ $14.68

Sorry Guys Ran out for a bit

KOG was simply laying out the key areas. He expects a draw to 936 area before the next leg upward. He always includes in his analysis the points where the trend is invalidated/reversed. It doesn't mean he thinks that will happen.

Yamana should be bought on any dips/down days.

Warren, I choose the Financials cause they're much more volatile in the current environment.
You can use and of the pairs. Glad it's working. Remember to use 12,200-12,700 dow for the range (you could also look for a NASDAQ range)!!


UYG is only $30 while SKF is $110

They're almost exact mirrors most days.


Nice camera shot of Narragansett!! Love our beaches!!


added @ $110.95

Horrible number there changed my mind


I'll be adding before $112 which would mean the Dow is down approx. 100 pts!!

If not then i'm looking @ $109!!

Holding on to yesterday's gains

Gold got as high as $953 overnight!!!! Let's get todays close over $950!!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


It's absolutely georgous here today!!!!!!

Definitely let the Yamana ride to over $17 IMO

We're on our way to a VERY profitable month!!!


Booked $48.98 buy @ $51.40


Booked $4.85 buy @ $5.06

I'm expecting MAJOR runs in AZK, EGO & GORO FWIW


On absolute fire!!!!!


Glad to hear that :) This next month should be ours!!!

Whas up guys???

How's everyone doing today??? Looks like we're heading towards a GREAT stretch here!!!!


I'm totally confused???????? Are you short gold/silver???


What happened???????????


Booked $14.49 buy @ $15.12

I'm only booking cause that's what my technique calls for. I still feel we're going much higher from here!!


Booked $4.45 buy @ $4.70


Booked $14.16 buy @ $15.08


should run the most IMO!!!!


I'd be looking to get long in a miner FWIW


Booked $22.98 buy @ $24.13

Got lots of these to be booking the next few weeks


Booked $7.15 buy @ $7.64

The plan

Looks like the 12,200-12,700 range is still in play!! Under 110 we should start adding SKF's with the hopes of reversing around $100!!!


Booked $3.46 buy @ $3.58

Thanks John!!!!


Booked $14.03 buy @ $14.88


He's one of the few to put his views out there for scrutiny. He's a great asset to us all!! IMO


I'm waiting for direction right now. Have a couple SKF's and had only planted 1 UYG which I booked this AM.

Thats awesome that you planted some UYG's What prices did you get them??

If we break 110 I'll start adding SKF again!!


what a fvcking jerk he is!!!!

Did you guys see him drive king of gold out of GIM??

Why are people so jealous!!


Things are looking great boyz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Booked $16.16 buy @ $17


We're looking good, should be moving over $960 by the end of the week IMO


The euro is flying and the dollar is plummeting

Oil & Gold are benefiting from this. Earnings good last night and this AM giving the market and financials a boost


what up bro?????

Looking sweet today!!!!!


We've waited long enough for this move

Yamana should be looking @ $15.50 by the end of the week

SKF is tough here, could head towards 100 or could head back towards 120 if we get bad earnings???


Added @ $14.49

Hoping this is the start of the BIG move back to $20


Looks like it's gonna run to $118/119!!

Gold looks ready to make a run at $960!!!


I nailed that $118 top pretty good guys!!!

I can't see us going back to $100 here??


$1.50 loss vs $1.05 average estimated loss

Went up over $11 for some reason but is back to $10.73


Booked $29.02 buy @ $30.23


Beat by .04!!!! :(


Almost $940!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Looking like it's gonna pop nice this AM :)


Euro has gone from 1.5825 to 1.5935 in the past hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pulling gold up over $934!!!!


exploding here!!!!


Nice action in Gold tonite!!!!

Let's hope it holds $930 for the NY open!!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Video of the day

Music is a HUGE part of my life so i'll be posting a "video of the day" off YouTube above the polls I post. Anyone have something they want posted let me know!!!!

Lots of pressure on Gold

Way off with that call

$3 drop at the open in Asia!!!!


I see a nice pop to $933+ once Asia opens!!


He's the one who bashed GIM and jumped ship and joined another site then came crawling back to Kitco cause his crew got banned from the new site!!


Who??? On GIM??? was it one of the "bashers" who reside there??


Awesome, glad someone else is there with me. I gotta look into starting up an SRS position again.

I wish there was an UltraLong Silver ETF/ETN

It's torture

Luckily we've been able to book some SKF's lately!!

You see us breaking out in Gold soon????

Tom C

I'm not saying anything about things the IRS can't detect as it is an honor system. I'm talking about the people that think they have a leg to stand on when they decide not to report income the IRS has IRP documents on. It's always the same people who basically just hate their lives and need the excitement of argueing about everthing.

Where ya been Tom???????


They got a thread about this on GIM and even the mods are still screaming that it wasn't ratified. Those sheeple will be led by anyone. Get the fvck out of this country then. Right G???

I get a kick outta all the GIM guys who think you can avoid paying taxes

Wesley Snipe's case has been going on since I was working @ the IRS. On our intranet we could access all the verdicts of the tax protestors in the US. It was hilarious how moronic the people were that followed their advice and filed zero RETURNS. Then I got to GIM and there were actually people who believed they didn't have to file or pay!!! I'm not saying the gov't doesn't spend excessively, but our tax system is what gives us the freedoms and protection we enjoy every day. It sucks cause it gives gold bugs a bad name when they are soooo cheap.

Believe me the gov't has almost a 100% conviction rate!!!

Prosecutor seeks 3 years in prison for Wesley Snipes
4 hours ago
WASHINGTON (AFP) — Prosecutors said Tuesday they are seeking the harshest sentence possible -- a three-year prison term and five-million dollar fine -- for Hollywood actor Wesley Snipes, following his misdeameanor conviction for failing to pay taxes.
"For nearly a decade, Snipes has engaged in a campaign of criminal tax conduct, combining brazen defiance with insidious concealment," the US Department of Justice said in a statement.
A jury in February found Snipes guilty on three misdemeanor charges of failing to file income tax returns between 1999 and 2004, but acquitted him on felony charges of conspiracy to defraud, and presenting a fraudulent claim to US tax authorities.
The Justice Department announcement on April 15 -- the date when millions of Americans each year are required by law to declare and pay their federal taxes to US tax authorities -- served as a sobering reminder of the dire consequences for failing to comply.
Snipes, 45, has starred in a string of hit movies -- from "Blade 3" to "Demolition Man" opposite Sylvester Stallone and Spike Lee's "Jungle Fever."
Federal officials said however that in addition to being wealthy and successful, he was a particularly egregious tax cheat.
"In the defendant Wesley Snipes, the court is presented with a wealthy, famous, and inveterate tax scofflaw," the statement said.
"Snipes has escaped paying more than 15 million dollars in income tax to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and has pursued an intended fraudulent harm to the United States Treasury of more than 41 million dollars," the statement said.
"The multifarious nature of his schemes and the deterrence value of a substantial prison sentence for this truly notorious offender call for a full 36 months in prison."
"If ever a tax offender was deserving of being held accountable to the maximum extent for his criminal wrongdoing, Snipes is that defendant," officials said, ahead of the star's April 24 hearing before a federal judge in Ocala, Florida

6 more hours till the tax deadline

when I started with the IRS I worked in Taxpayer assistance where we prepare returns for free for people who make under $35,000 for the year. Not many people know that the IRS walk-ins will assist you!!!

At my peak I prepared over 2,100 returns during the filing season!!!! The days used to fly, then I worked OT nights and weekends as the capital gains specialist in RI answering questions that couldn't be answered at the walk-ins!! That position was much more fun than Revenue Agent when I had to go through small business owner's returns with a fine comb!!!! This is much better :)


You got that right, I can imagine like 85 out of every 100 people losing it all!!

On the bright side, the winners can nail it for a BOATLOAD very quickly!!!!

My Forex Demo account

sorry I haven't posted in real-time on here!! On Sunday I turned the $50,000 into $54,000!! By this AM it was down to $28,000 :o

After buying back into the Euro at KOG's turning point it's up $6000 this afternoon bringing it back to $34,000.

It's AMAZING how quick you get stopped out.


Question guys, isn't there a GUARANTEED 2% from here?? If DCR liquidates @ $3.33 then UCR would be $36.67!! It's at $35.90 right now and it looks like a guarantee that oil will close over $111 for the required 3 days. Whatta you guys think??


He's just looking to build his ego!! What a fraud!!!!


How do you know he's been lurking Cube???


I guess thats what WM put out there but for some reason analysts were expecting $1.05 loss on an average????

It's up 7% on this AMAZING quarter LOL


$1.40 loss!!! Anyone know what was estimate???

After hours

Very important today!!!! Intel & WaMu leading the earnings!!!


Added @ $116.49


She's been doing the "retail detail" for a year or so and the hourly updates. Now she's been filling in for Maria. She looks like Natalie Portman IMO!!


I'm pulling for ya Goldfinger!!!!!

Uncle Vinny

I'm thinking of giving him a call and seeing if he can put a hit on Maria Bartiromo, I figure then i'd get to see my future wife (Margaret Brennan) every day ;) Damn is she hotttttt

Summer doldrums

I hope not, got a lot tied up in miners and DGP!!!!

WM up to $10.66????

Hey Cubed

Where's my SKF request on Hawk's thread??? I thought we were boyz!!!


Still calling for a run to $45 silver & $1600 gold starting next week (3rd week April)

This market is sooooooo boring

That i'm watching Aliens vs Predator (the 2nd one)

Fingers crossed (goldfinger)

Good luck bud!!


You have WM puts right??

Sorry guys

I slept in and just got back from the market. Today looks a LOT like yesterday so far!!!

Any news release on SA??

Gold is trying to hold it's upchannel on a 10 min chart!!

Everybody in the camp that WAMU misses today????


Looks like I didn't miss much (except for some noise)!! SKF went under $114????? WOW!!

As advertised

Gold and Euro both breaking out to the upside!!!!

POG currently $935.50 YIPPEE!!!!

Here we go

Euro breaking past 1.5825 and pulling gold over $929!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008


Is SOOOOOOOO ready to break, should give Gold a HUGE bump!! IMO


If they're truly gonna be the worst quarters yet, then the financials should be approaching their lows, in which case we would be over $150 in SKF!!!


You got it!!!! WAMU reporting tomorrow too!!!


Nice spike to $928.60!!!!


Is ready to break to the upside, looking @ 1.59 + this move!! JMO


Trying to be patient waiting for POG to make a move but it's getting VERY boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's get this moving tonite boyz!!


His cheerleading will be greatly missed though and it's a shame to lose that part cause people will get discouraged VERY quickly investing in Gold!!!


That was two weeks ago??????? Remember we chatted about it????

SKF rockin n rollin!!!!!!


Added @ $117.87

Smithy @ GIM

What a pr1ck!!!! He's jealous that KOG is starting a site and people are interested so he takes a shot at him saying he's stealing the ideas of the "top traders" of GIM and making money off them!!!

Is he serious???? Who are the "top traders"??? The only person other than KOG who puts himself out there is SMAUG!! I'd like to see some of these big mouths put themselves out there by posting their trades!!!!

Sorry just venting :0

Margaret Brennan

Looks ABSOLUTELY amazing today filling in for Maria!!!! Love the low cut shirt :)


Thanks for the link!!! The saga continues!!!

LOL John

Just saw you had the same idea with Yamana!!!


Added @ $14.03


First purchase ever @ $3.46!!!! Let's try to squeeze 4% out of it!!!


I'll try to dig it up if it's true!! BRB

I found articles about 10 offices in Connecticut & 30 in Caliofornia

Nothing about today particularily

Look out below

If we can get some misses from WAMU, JP Morgan, Merrill & Citi, to follow up the misses we've seen so far, we should break below 12,000 this week!! JMO


I'd like to see $3.40 John!! I've been watching waiting for something close to $3.40!!


I just started my UYG position for a financial bounce!!

I like AUY, SLW, JAG & AZK the best for miners here!!


Started position @ $29.02


Are selling off nice today :)


Booked $110.33 buy @ $115.49


If we can get over $930 then we are looking GREAT!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Nite guys

Covered 1,000,000 Euros @ 1.57247 For $60 profit!!! will pick it up in the AM!


I love this 100-1 margin!!!!! My bookie never gave me those terms ;)

Can't get enough lol

Shorted 1,000,000 Euro's @ 1.57253

Beginners luck??

Sold the other half @ 1.57202

Total profit tonite - $4,474!!!!! Not bad for 4 hours!!!! To be continued in the AM!!!!

Low blow

You saying I haven't kicked my gamblin' problem?????


Booked half my position (1,400,000) @ 1.5707, will add on a dip or book the rest on a rally!!!!

I'm really liking this plus I can stay up 24 hours doing this :)

I'll try not to post too much RE the FOREX acct unless you guys are interested?????


Markets are getting crushed in ASIA!!!!


The dollar jump is dragging Gold down a bit. Not too bad though as $915 is holding so far. As long as we hold $905 we're in great shape IMO

We gotta get these financials reeling after they start reporting this week.

Ron & Cubed

It's a play account. They give you $50,000 and the leverage is 100-1 so you have $5,000,000 of purchasing power. If you use all the margin, a loss of 1% will wipe you out!!!!

Making a comeback here, down $2600!!!! Gonna try it for a few weeks and see how it goes.

Here's the link Ron!!!


Bought another 800,000 @ 1.5683

Could get margined out pretty quickly here!!!!


Down over $5200 now!!!!!!!!! That 100-1 leverage is a killer if you're not watching!!!!!!


Up $4400 so far :) Not bad for an hour and a half!!!!!!

Taseko Mines (TGB)

Looks like a great copper play. 120 million pounds of copper this year and has a property that is potentially the largest undeveloped copper-gold deposit in Canada!!

Trading in the low $5's and should break out HUGE if copper gets some momentum past $4!!


Here's their homepage!!!


Looks like it's gonna start off the week strong!!! Let's see how much it affect's POG!!


Seabridge does have a boatload of Copper in the Mitchell deposit, 8 billion pounds. I'll try to dig up other good copper producers!!

BTW I just bought 2,000,000 Euros @ 1.57001 (set up a demo Forex account)


I wouldn't touch it Warren unless their is some recent news out there. It's been trending down the past year from $1.50 to .44 while all metals have been soaring????

I don't show any recent news that would indicate a reversal?? What thread at GIM????

I don't like pennies at all, Foamex was a special circumstance! The only one i've bought since is FGOC which i've been in since .28 and am patiently waiting for a big move!!!!!


Ron, it did a reverse 4-1 split so the numbers you're seeing are adjusted. It made it as high as $6.XX!! How'd you like that month (April 2006)??? :)

Good stuff guys

Hopefully we all acheive financial independence eventually :)

The reason I left the IRS Ron is Foamex (FMXL), rode it from .02 - $4.61 early 2006!!!

Hope you guys are having a great weekend!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008


John if you split them in half but planted twice as many lots you'll have more flexibility!

You seem to have the ranges figured out very well so you should have no problem getting 4% out of each lot, aside from something like the DCR disaster!! I gotta admit though that I could never do this if I had a "real" job!!

Thanks guys

Just getting a bit impatient with the miners I guess!!!! I do the same John, all my lots are around $5000 and I book them around 4% for a couple C-Notes!! Can't wait to get these Yamana's rolling (got 8 lots)

Question John

I'm thinking that SKF is the better play than the miners next week?? Whatta ya think?? I'm thinking of taking a VERY HEAVY SKF position but i'd have to sell some Yamana to do so!!

I'm obsessed

With us getting a breakout in Gold soon. It makes me HATE weekends and love when the markets open again. When I was with the IRS, I used to hate Sunday nights, now I love them!!

No clue

what any of that means John??? lol

As long as you played well!!!!!!

First Friday staying home in a while!!!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Hey John

What did ya shoot????


Has a BEAUTIFUL chart he just posted to his thread over at GIM!! Looks like we're heading to about $922 Monday morning then up to $955 area by Tuesday morning!! All signs are pointing to a nice run early next week (fingers crossed)!!

On top of that it looks as if SKF could be making a run at $135 area next week!! JMO DYODD

Looks bad Ron

So how's the new job????


I'm about as high as I like to be in them. Freed up a lot of cash in SKF this week but want to rotate that back into shorts!!

Thanks Peter

How'd you do on the exam???


Booked $54.27 buy @ $55.95


Added @ $7.15


Booked $109.25 buy @ $113.25


Looks like $110-120 is gonna be the winner!!!! Congrats to all i'll be sending out "Financials are gonna make me my first million" T-shirts to the winners!!!

And for the person who picked under $100, he'll get a "I believe the talking heads on CNBC" T-Shirt!!!


Not familiar with it at all John, but I read on GIM today a bunch of members saying it's one of the most shorted miners which could bode well if it reverses!! DYODD!!


Booked $46.63 purchase @ $48.16 QID

Booked $53.94 purchase @ $55.77 DXD


Thanks bud, glad you're aboard!!!

Bottom line is it's easier for me to miss out on a few % than to give back what you just made by not booking!!


I have 3 lots of SKF (109's, 110's & 115's)
Also 3 each of QID & DXD (only 1 of each in the money)

I plan on booking one of each if possible and keeping the rest over the weekend

John, I saw KOG's updated count, let's hope this one is correct!


I'd love to see that going into the weekend!!!!


Booked $107.75 buy @ $111.75

Don't mind me Tom

I just had an Axe to grind :)

I can't stand the "you'll miss the boat if you book" mantra he throws around all the time. Do you know how many times we've retraced these same profits the past year+, and he's having all these people get overexcited at the top so they never book and are at the same spot 1 year later!! I just feel bad for his followers!


OK I just bought a lot John, $32.69!!!

Scary level here

for Gold!!! Whatta you guys think??? I don't think I can handle another drop under $900!!


I actually like this action better, if we stay around these levels then I can see a sell-off late?????


I would think we push towards $115 today John?? They're holding up good so far basically even!!


Added @ $110.33


Booked $53.33 buy @ $55.22!!!


Horrible consumer sentiment number!!!

Jesse Livermore

Imagine preaching the advice of his saying not to book profits in a bull run as you won't be able to get back in?? The guy traded between 1907-1939 for Pete's sake!! I can imagine it was a bit more difficult/took a longer time to get a trade executed than it is today!! Believe me you WILL not be banned from placing a buy order if you just booked :)

This guy basically made his money shorting the 1907 & 1929 crashes and being long during the roaring 20's, that must of been real hard!! Then he went on to lose everything each time (probably when he had to attempt trading), and committed suicide after the last time going bankrupt in 1940. Definitely someone who's ideas you want to follow!!!!

DYODD guys, don't follow cheerleaders!!


I would think that we're gonna see an acceleration into the close and we should be looking at 200+ down. HOWEVER, we've seen this many times where something is spun in another direction causing a Friday afternoon rally!!!! I'll be booking my SKF before the close as well as any QID/DXD that get far enough into the money!!

Morning guys

We're gonna need a nice move in Gold to keep the miners from getting pulled down!!


Looks like we're gonna have another HUGE day :)


I saw that, it was an overlay of AX's chart done by that Remy guy. He was trying tyo point out to AX that he should take profits especially if he knows where the dips are.

AX's original showed that he wasn't gonna sell till $2400!!

One question, how does AX have money to buy on every dip if he never books profits???? You'd think he had every penny already invested?? It's amazing that they let such a fraud/liar mislead all those people!!!


I think if you click on change your vote, it'll take away from an answer and you should be able to see which one!!!

Hey John

What did ya think of King of Gold's thread???

Good luck Peter

I'm sure you'll bury the exam :) Talk to ya in the morning


Thursday, April 10, 2008

What did you have Ron??

I was with the majority $110-120!!

Hey Peter

Do you watch the Office???? New episode on now, it's AWESOME!!!!!

What up G??????

Yeah even AX's thread has 2-3 hours between posts.

Hawks even making up illnesses so he doesn't have to post ;)

Hey John

Here's his Kitco thread, it's better than the GIM thread cause more contribute!! is gonna be his website when he gets it running!!

Thatta boy Peter

Good job, you'll be booking some nice profits VERY soon!!!!!!


Yeah he is a nice guide although like you said sometimes it's way off. I combine what he says with my "gut"!!

SKF has been really good to you lately, didn't you make like $15/share last run?? You still sitting on the $13X lot? I'd hold it as you'll be able to book for a profit eventually!!

Got any Yamana?? I'm sitting on 8 lots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Covered short @ $170.97 Shorted @ $178.94 Financials been pulling back last 3 days so thinking we may see a morning pop????


I posted that for whoever asked as a sell point assuming we stay in the range. If we break below then $140 is easily reached!!

I did a BOATLAOD of booking yesterday so today was quiet!! Still have 2 SKF's in the money and one out of the money. I'll keep adding on two dollar drops like I did today!!

BTW King Of Gold is doing a GREAT job lately (I guess he's gonna start a site, should be good)

Vegas fund

I figured we'd give it a try with people assisting through the polls I post. I'll post a poll asking how many are interested cause I think it would be fun (although some of you guys are probably married)

Don't worry about me putting up the $2000 as I don't see us losing it and i'll only use what we profit. I really think we could make a plane ticket every week or two, don't you think??


Booked $106.78 buy @ $110.23

Real money here :)

Vegas update

I updated the blog, we're up $326 and now have 320 shares of Yamana!! Not bad, 16% return on investment in a little over a week!!!!

Done deal John

$109.32 sold the 40 shares (you know this is a practice run to see how we do right?)

I'll update on the blog!!

The Vegas fund?

I was thinking $111 so we'd have a profit of $400 and move to Yamana??? Whatta ya think??

US Heating oil fund

Bob Pisani just put it up as UNH which is United Health, the symbol is UHN!! Priced at $51.55 to start, gonna put on my watch list!!


Added @ $22.98

Option calculator

I added the link!!

As for the DCR question, it's a HUGE gamble at this point. Traders are EXTREMELY wary of buying into it at this point. Not sure if you read yesterday where if it closes over $111 for 3 straight days it gets liquidated and you'll get approximately $3.33!! Oil is down almost $2 today and DCR still FELL almost 1% so far today. That same $2 move upward yesterday cost DCR over 30%!!!!!!! That tells me NOBODY is interested and it WILL liquidate SOON!!

Sorry guys

I had to run out for a few!! I'll post that link for you!!

As for SKF, if you notice we are bearish financials big-time. I was able to book 5 different lots of SKF yesterday so it's time to start accumulating again. We're heading back to $118 SKF before we get back to $100 so i'll be adding on any pullback then booking AGAIN shortly thereafter!!


Added @ $107.75


Added @ $109.25


Added @ $16.16


I rode it's run over $12 late last year but haven't in a while. Getting close to the $12.79 from last month with much lower gold and silver so could be ready to break out!!


Added @ $48.98


Just bailed @ $5.84 (bought $7.88 & $6.67) Each lot only $2500 in these as I expect double the gains due to the volatility

Thought about holding one and buying UCR to hedge some but not worth it!!

Back to booking gains now!!

Morning everyone, we're back on track with our holdings!! Gold ready to get moving and markets look ready to test 12,200 soon!!


Nothing wrong with taking them John, remember that we are gonna ABSOLUTELY DOMINATE the next 3 months :)

I'm off to bed, talk to ya tomorrow


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

CK & John

Thanks for all the info on DCR, John me & you are so similar as traders it's weird. We saw this as a place to be contrarian and root for a pull-back. Nothing at all wrong with our plays as thats what makes us successful IMO.

I too am upset with the lack of due diligence but we will prosper in the long run and hopefully even make money on this play. I'm EXTREMELY glad you joined here and think we're gonna be prosperous for a LONG time no matter what the direction of the markets.



All RED so far :)

Very true John

We didn't close over $111 today so we have at least 3 days!!!!!

Thanks CK

Big gamble for me & John I guess!! Hopefully we get a pull-back before the end of the week. Based on something John posted it looks like $3.33 will be the NAV :( I'll probably bail before that and eat the loss!!


I'd love to see us hold $930 overnight. We should be able to get Yamana right back to $15.50 by the end of the week!!

Thanks John

That helped a lot!! So we're looking at $3.33 as a bottom then it liquidates?

The good thing is a move lower in oil should give our buys in the $6's VERY profitable!! Big gamble right here!! Good luck bro!!


why would they start them at $20?????? Thats retarded, doesn't leave much upside room for the short to be able to take!!!!!


So it's not even really correlated to oil except for the position it's moving in? So basically UCR can only move another 20% then DCR would be ZERO???? FVCK that sucks!! We better get a reversal VERY quickly!!!!!

On another note, Gold is looking FABULOUS chartwise!!!!!! We're gonna get some nice days ahead!!!!!

DCR John

Not positive John, but i'm pretty confident we're gonna get right back to the $9 area quickly. I saw that the %'s weren't the same (DCR vs UCR) and should have looked into it.


Booked $22.69 buy @ $23.56

Due for a little pull-back IMO


Booked $16.14 buy @ $16.72


Booked $88.92 buy @ $93.90


Booked that $4.31 buy @ $4.49 (That was quick) !!!!! :)


Booked $104.12 buy @ $108.74

Been waiting for a day like this :)

John, very curious/anxious about DCR, sell-off seems way too excessive?? Any retreat under $110 this afternoon or tomorrow ahould send us soaring IMO!!


I just read that link ou posted last week and it seems as if UCR @ DCR are linked to the same asset pool. It says that in oil closes over $111 on 3 consecutive days, DCR would only represent 15% of the assets (the goal is to keep them 50/50 which is why you can see the 30% drop in DCR and only an 8% gain in UCR) Not sure what to make of it, but know we'll get a MONSTER jump with any kind of pull-back!!!


Booked $22.59 buy @ $23.49


Added @ $4.31

DCR John

I just added @ $6.67

Why is it down like 8X the amount Oil is???


FXP looks to have bottomed and turned the corner. Almost 50% move if it gets back to March 20th high!!!!


Booked $103.81 buy @ $108.26


Booked $45.31 buy @ $47.29!!


Bought @ $7.88


Getting a nice boost with the oil move :)


Had to chase to get out of DCR, Sold @ $8.86 for 1/2% loss from $8.90!!

5 mill Barrels drop in crude supplies when looking for 2.5 million build, definitely gonna see $112!!


They have a place that rents out Ferrari's, Vette's & other pricey cars on the strip. Sure you could find something there.


For 10 days out, SKF should make it to the top of it's range around $118. We're making our way back to 12,200 DOW once again and this could be the time we break back under with earnings season upon us!!


Nice $12 move this past hour :)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My answer

I went with Yamana thinking we'd be looking at $130 with SKF which is a 26.5% gain:

Silver Wheaton is @ $16.16 26.5% gain = $20.44
DGP is @ $22.60 26.5% gain = $28.59
Yamana is @ $14.29 26.5% gain = $18.08

Anyone have another they can see gaining more than 26.5% in the next month please let us know!!

New poll

Sorry that it's my favorite's, just curious!!

Dollar Index

Is ready to break out one way or the other some time tomorrow!!! Which way will she go????

I would think that the decsent will continue!! Could give our prescious a nice lift ;)

Fast Money

Three of them picked Financials as the trade of the day tomorrow (2 - XLF, 1 - UBS)??????

Also UPS guided much lower which should bode well for our shorts. Companies slowing down on shipping is a great indicator of an economic slowdown IMO!!


Not sure if it has just been a long day and i'm unable to concentrate, but I couldn't follow the ticker???? I added the other link to the blog and am gonna check it out now!!


I'll read it now bud, BRB!!


Trying to help out our bearish financials cause on CNBC!!


Whatta ya make of this action in gold??? You think King Of Gold has it right???


I think so, right?? So how are things over in Hell's kitchen? ;)


I never added it to my streamer, i'm gonna do it right now. I love stocks like that :)

Hey Tom

BreakingNewsOn BREAKING NEWS -- President Ahmedinejad says Iran has tested advanced centrifuges, a breakthrough in a uranium enrichment program that the UN demands to halt.

This was posted over at Kitco and there was a link that I can't find now. I read this weekend that with this enrichment they will have the capabilities to develop a bomb within 2 years. Supposedly Isreal is upset at this and if they attack we will assist. This is what I read this weekend.


Added @ $22.59

Loaded up pretty heavy in this UltraLong Gold!!!!


Booked $102.40 buy @ $105.45


You gonna keep the remainder of yours overnight John?? I saw a couple posts about Iran and the tests their doing and am worried about an overnight event?? Although i'd like to keep till inventory tomorrow???????????????????????

Thats the toughest part

Is being happy with what you book and not second guessing if your stock keeps running. There will ALWAYS be dips to add and make another quick 3-5%!!! The stocks we're playing with have been trending upward but still in easy to find ranges for over a year now. They would have to run probably 200% to offset all the bookings, by which time we'd be able to get back in. Glad we trade alike!!

LOL John

We should start a practice, we'd never argue about which positions to take!!


Added @ $14.16

Fed Minutes

I saw that and a couple even said it would drag out longer than the first two quarters. Thats why I figured we'd see an afternoon plunge, but not in our markets, the Fed basically guaranteeing a recession is good news in our country (rolls eyes)

I can feel it too

If the earnings keep coming in like Alcoa did last night then we should be looking sweet!! It's amazing how misguided this market has been?? Didn't we have an awful jobs number on Friday??


Added @ $16.14


You guys think we're selling off into the close today???


Making a push for $110 (fingers crossed)


Not sure exactly how they work but it would seem to me they would be up if the stock went down, right??


Just saw it hit $9.60 while I was gone??? How far did price of oil fall?? Didn't think I was gonna be out long enough to have to set sell orders!!


Booked $7.15 buy @ $7.43

Nice work John's :)

Had to run out for a couple!! Waiting for this big reversal the EW guys are expecting??


Booked $100.2 buy @ $104.10


Same here, hoping for a few % then book. If it gets to $110 i'll add one more time and hope for a reversal.


We're getting a nice pull-back in crude!!!

Hey John (not Coin)

Not sure how to read that link you posted?? An explanation would be awesome!!C-YA in the morning!!

Not bad

Asia in the red and the futures starting lower!! We haven't had a good week in a while but still have avoided taking losses. Thats what it's all about, book em when we're doing good & add em on the pullbacks!!!!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

College hoops rulez

My favorite sport HANDS DOWN!!!!! I'll take college hoops and football over their pro counterparts anyday. The enthusiasm and effort is so much greater. All the pro's are rich prima-donnas IMO


One of the best finals in a long time!!!!!


We need to get to about $940 to break out of the downtrend on the 2 hr chart!!

Market Ticker

He was on the top of his game today :) Very good reading!!


You can't correlate the POG with the miners especially when Gold was only up 1/2 %

Yamana ran up about 11% from it's low last week to this mornings high. If we get another $5-10 move in Gold overnight we'll be back over $15.20 again tomorrow. If gold moves back towards $1000 we should get about 33% from here in Yamana.

You're looking at a nice profit in the next month or so as long as you book when we start to get overbought!!


I added that around 2:30 today. You're in for a nice average and should do extremely well. I had a lot @ $14.49 and booked it Friday afternoon for a 3 1/2 % or so. I basically will book when the price is nearing the entry point of the next lowest lot. My next two lots are $15.31 & $15.49 so I booked the $14.49 and today when we pulled back close to that I added it back so I basically booked the profit and was able to re-establish the position at almost the same price.

I'm not sure of the amount of time you can spend watching each day or how many shares you have but I would be adding at the current level or lower.


I think we're sitting on basically the same lots John, worked out good, booked the lowest lot Friday and now got to buy it back again.


Added @ $14.65

That a boy :)

I'd like to get this market trending lower away from 12,700 by the end of the day!!


Has been on FIRE the past two months. Good job!!


The housing market, there is way too much inventory out there and until the prices come down considerably, the homebuilders aren't going to be moving foward with new starts.


With SRS I would think that people are bottom fishing in that sector thinking that a bottom is in?? To me it seems like it's still accelerating to the downside!!

Where to start with Seabridge?? I wish it would have held $22.50 on Friday but has popped back up today a bit. Money has got to start flowing into explorers at some point and for the amount of ounces they're sitting on and the low number of outstanding shares it's VERY undervalued. Hopefully they start selling off some of their smaller properties in Nevada??
The past two years it's had it's biggest runs from June - August so hopefully history repeats itself. This is the most loyal I have ever been to a stock. Any other stock I would have bailed and looked elsewhere but I figure I owe it for the money I made running from $8 - $39!!!!


I was just answering Goldfinger's question about financials. It would take more of a run up to get me into Lehmans but aside from GS, thats the only one on my radar. Thats all I was saying.

As for the sector as a whole, we're teetering more on the side of panic where any sign of further writedowns or that we still have a ways to go and we'll drop off VERY quickly. We could pull back to the $92 we hit on Feb 1st but I wouldn't count on that. Just my .02!!


Nice call, Just bought in for my first time @ $88.92 :) Thanks!!


Back in @ $8.90


I'm short Goldman and thinking about Lehman?? With the amount I have in SKF I figure any one dropping should pull the whole sector with it!!


I think i'm gonna wait till $110 oil

Gold looking NICE!!!


If it goes under $95 we'll just hold on and add some more, if it doesn't you can jump right back in without missing out on much. As long as we stay focused on the long-term outlook we'll all be fine :)


12,700 is still the magic number IMO, it's looking as if we're gonna open in that area so i'd think that we pull-back?? As for WM, i've been tempted to short individual financials but haven't pulled the trigger except for GS. The ups and downs are just too violent but if I had too i'd be short not long, plus it's run up from $8.72 so you'd think we touch that level again??


I just bailed @ $9.96 & was coming to post it here!! Too much chatter about Iran to risk it. Little over 1% loss.

Good Morning to you too!!


Added @ $100.20

SKF Poll

This is our week boyz!!!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008


I'm heading out guys. TTYL


Short Interest

Awesome link Peter. I posted it on the blog!!

Suggestions for links

There are a few new people on the blog and I was wondering if any of you have any links that you'd like posted here. Just leave the link in a comment and i'll add it for easy access for all of us.



Not bad

Nice $3 pop at the open here :)

The article

I just tried and there must be something wrong in the link?? Anyway you could post it GoldFix?

Anonomous posting

Had no idea, i'll fix that. I had no idea you guys had to do the word verification. I apologize!!

Article from SWATTSUP

Corrected link!!

OMG I am soooo sorry

I was playing around with the settings the other night after that Bopper moron started spamming the blog to figure out how to delete posts. I guess I made it so only members could comment. I don't even know how to make someone a member?? Thanks Peter & Swattsup for bringing it to my attention. It should be all set now!!

It's finally Sunday :)

Well one outta two in the games last night!!

According to all the technical guys, this is the week we start our climb back towards $1000! It all starts tonite in Asia, good luck to all!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Big win in the first game :) Carolina second game!!!!!!

Final Four

Big Money on Memphis tonite boys!!!!!

New poll

Was watching the new George Carlin special on HBO, absolutely hilarious!!

Curious as to who you guys like the best out of these four??

Friday, April 4, 2008


Awesome video, thanks :)