Sunday, April 13, 2008

Nite guys

Covered 1,000,000 Euros @ 1.57247 For $60 profit!!! will pick it up in the AM!


RL52 said...

Earnings line-up for this week:

Monday - Retail numbers
Tues- WAMU
Wed - JP Morgan
Thur - MerylLynch
Fri - CitiBank / Wachovia + Housing starts

Those higher targets for SKF & SRS are lookin good !!!

Ron said...

Just checked the builder prices for the house I bought in June.

Base price $280K in June.
Today it's $339K! Seems a bit high.

Colorado Springs enjoyed about a yearly 7% increase in home prices over the last decade. Nothing like FL, AZ, CA, & NV. I'm guessing we won't see much downturn here.

Sure Joe, post FOREX stuff. We gotta be versatile ya know!?