Tuesday, April 29, 2008


At what levels are you holding SKF's and UYG's??? You should be able to nail this good if the UYG's are in the money!!


Gcubed said...

Yoh Joe! Pigs be back!! ;)

wphmd said...

I am a little too heavy in SKF. Have plants from 98 to 117, with a dollar cost avg of 108. Only 3 plants in UYG, but all green. Thinking about selling off 1/2 my SKF (and taking a hit) tomorrow am, and buying more UYG to even things out, then put stop orders on both piles. I have a feeling that tomorrow am, markets will open lower, putter around a bit until Big Ben talks, and then rally, no matter what he says. I don't have much more than a gut feeling about this, though. Could go either way if there is no rate cut.

Of course, I was dead wrong about the effect that the mid-march rate cut was going to have on the POG(price of gold should have gone up), so planning to be surprised.
