Tuesday, April 29, 2008


ok all fundamental traders now tell me why crude oil went down today!!??? 116 right nowI know why it went down (reason:EW said so)This is what i am telling you all about in the mid term. It does not require any fundamental factors to move it up or down..

OK, i've admitted he's very useful in gathering ideas, but with all the either this or that will happens. And he's far off and has to adjust very often. I'm not claiming to be anywhere's near him in ability as i trade more off instinct, but this comment really bothered me. 600,000 barrells/day came back on and demand outlook came in 5% less than expected. Now wouldn't that tell us oil was going to go down and not the guesses, I mean waves???

1 comment:

Gcubed said...

Wanna watch waves?? Go to the beach!! ;)
Trade channels and be very aware of sentiment. JMHO