Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My answer

I went with Yamana thinking we'd be looking at $130 with SKF which is a 26.5% gain:

Silver Wheaton is @ $16.16 26.5% gain = $20.44
DGP is @ $22.60 26.5% gain = $28.59
Yamana is @ $14.29 26.5% gain = $18.08

Anyone have another they can see gaining more than 26.5% in the next month please let us know!!


Peter said...

What up Joe? Crazy game last night hu? Markets are a little confusing right now. I hope tomorrow will be a little more telling.

Just read the Market ticker and I see where it is confusing. He tried to make an argument for deflation solely based on the fact that it is most beneficial to bankers, but he didn't really elaborate on why. Hyperinflation would kill the bankers who would lose big on the loans they issued, so they will cause deflation by continuing to constrict credit. Credit which has functioned like real money these last few years.

He goes into depth on this theory in his 2008 preview, written December 29th, I think. After reading that his deflation argument becomes much clearer.

Either way I think he isn't taking into account golds function as currency in itself. And whether it is inflation or deflation gold should prevail due to its function as a store of wealth, and safe haven during deep recessions/depressions. Anyone agree??

I voted on AUY as well. Not many miners have been battered down as hard with this last fall. Getting back to highs will produce better gains than with other miners.

Peter said...

Morning guys. King is calling for a big run from here once we open in new york. Hope for the best. Good luck.