Thursday, April 10, 2008


Nothing wrong with taking them John, remember that we are gonna ABSOLUTELY DOMINATE the next 3 months :)

I'm off to bed, talk to ya tomorrow



coinlieutenant said...

What is the plan Joe? You going to set some stops on DCR? What level are we going to cry uncle?

Ron said...

I'm holding on to SKF for the moment. Switching to a long term investment plan.

Had to take a "JOB!" for the next month. I'll be checking in daily to read about your antics. ;-)


mdp said...

Hold skf also...the indices all bounced off thier bottom wedges yesterday...hope they blow thru today, if they do will be a great sign for skf holders of more down to come.


Goldfinger said...

Anyone else picking up on a strange vibe in the market?

mdp said...

yup....its gonna do a big something

coinlieutenant said...

well. I had a stop limit in at 5.8$ on my DCR. Nice 4K loss. I'm going to go shower now. :)

You win lose some. Good lesson for me, although the tuition was rather high...

Goldfinger said...

Kinda has the feel of a herd right before a stampede doesn't MDP?