Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sorry Guys Ran out for a bit

KOG was simply laying out the key areas. He expects a draw to 936 area before the next leg upward. He always includes in his analysis the points where the trend is invalidated/reversed. It doesn't mean he thinks that will happen.

Yamana should be bought on any dips/down days.

Warren, I choose the Financials cause they're much more volatile in the current environment.
You can use and of the pairs. Glad it's working. Remember to use 12,200-12,700 dow for the range (you could also look for a NASDAQ range)!!

1 comment:

Tom C said...

the entire fundamental picture is deteriorating at an amazing pace. seems every day brings more layoffs, more writedowns more foreclosures, less home sales and construction. new store closings and retail BKs.

anyone have an idea at what point does the market give? cause, once it does.. this coiled spring will shoot to the launch to the downside with vengeance imvho.