Sunday, April 6, 2008

OMG I am soooo sorry

I was playing around with the settings the other night after that Bopper moron started spamming the blog to figure out how to delete posts. I guess I made it so only members could comment. I don't even know how to make someone a member?? Thanks Peter & Swattsup for bringing it to my attention. It should be all set now!!

1 comment:

swattsup said...

Whew, had me a bit worried there but I figured it was something like that. Thanks for getting rid of that blasted security ID we had to fill in for every post, what a pita.

In trying to figure out what may have happened, I discovered options I never knew I had - such as changing my blogging name. Now I have to come up with something good.

Suggestions welcome from anyone.

BTW - Joe, you know you have enabled anonymous posting - right! You're sure you want this?