Friday, February 29, 2008


I was fully out after it's last run to over $19 then started adding all the way down to under $15 a few weeks back. I then started booking with my last booking at $17.55 a day or 2 ago. I have two more portions to add and they'd be $16.25 & $15.50 in the perfect world. However with the POS closing in on $20, SLW is actually underpeforming and I don't see it getting back under $16.

The reason I added at $17 isn't cause I think it's a low, but because I wanted to replace what I had sold at $17.55. My mind thinks in terms of always trying to book and buy back even 2-3% lower.

1 comment:

Peter said...

I'm studying economics at UMASS-Amherst. Hopefully this gold bull run pays off my student loans, and some.

I see kind of a sluggish day. Hopefully I'll hit my buy target on SA and get some cheap GFI.

Where are you located Joe? Judging by the blog time, West coast right?