Friday, February 29, 2008



Basically if my "gut" is wrong and say Asia & Europe sell-off Sunday night and we look like we're heading for a nosedive Monday morning, the bottom line is I wouldn't let it bother me that I wasn't in SKF. Instead i'd shift my focus on what my next move would be (adding to my miners on the sell-off or whatever). Whenever i'm sitting on profits like I had in SKF this week I WILL ALWAYS BOOK and never look back on it as a mistake.

It's impossible to predict what I "might" do but i'll definitely keep you apprised based on what the opening looks like on Monday.

1 comment:

Goldfinger said...

I was kinda surprised to see SKF break out above the $118 resistance. I honestly thought we'd get one more swing at the pinata in that range. I'm thinking that breakout may prove very significant, especially after watching Bloomberg TV after yesterday's close. Even the usual cheerleaders are down on financials. So I'm sure I have left some profits on the table, but thats ok though. I'll just watch for the next trend. Hard to lose money when you sell in the green...