Wednesday, February 27, 2008

74.22 WOW

USD getting crushed lately. Anybody really think we're gonna get a 1/2 point cut next month??? I'm thinking this will be just like December's meeting where we were only given .25 (not .50) and the miners sold off and SKF flourished.

If I remember correctly, the banks start reporting next week. If all goes as planned we should be over $120 SKF quickly.

I appreciate everyone's insights here, it means a lot to me. Hope we can continue to bring in the loot :)



Goldfinger said...

Since I'm holding April and July $120 calls, a quick $120 would be sweet.

I think Freddie and AIG report tomorrow, not sure who else is coming up though. The GDP report tomorrow and PCE report on Friday should be interesting.

Ulysses said...

Hey Joe, how's it going? Interesting times!