Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Booked 19.71 @ $20.43

Sorry i'm on and off again today guys!!!


Latviski said...

No worries. I'm in mid-term investing mode right now anyways.

Going to ride SKF to at least 150, AUY to at LEAST 15's, and other miners up well past 4% gains. :)

No time for the next week or two to trade much anyways, so this ought to work nicely!!!

Fishfood said...

I'm with you on mid term trading Lat

A'm leaving monday and don't have time to trade next week, so I'll put in sell orders
SKF 140-145 bought at 122 and SRS 99 bought at 99

The miners I'll check next month :)

Nate Stephens said...

hey joe, where do you think financials will be at tomorrow? i'm thinking about booking my SKF and getting in at a lower price tomorrow. personally i think tomorrow it will drop...

Fishfood said...


We get CPI numbers from both Eu and US so place your bet :)

Like I wrote I'm keeping mine, but good luck if you decide to daytrade

PS: If inflation in Eu is higher than expected we might see a dollar decline.
Market is counting on a rate decrease in EU which higher inflation could put an end to.


Latviski said...

I'd like SKF to rocket up again soon, but the more I learn about the mess we're in, the more confident I am in this position (SKF) and will hold until it pays me well.
I do read from both bears and bulls for perspective, and I just can't find any legitimate reason to be bullish on financials right now!

Nate Stephens said...

has anyone else been following the raucous over at IHUB concerning QMNM? i'm still not sure what exactly is going on with the court proceedings...should know more tomorrow. Otherwise we'll know in Sept if the bankruptcy will continue as plan, or be extended. It is interesting, though, that a "basher" over there named Pedro has had immediate access to all court documents. now people are wondering who this guy really is, and how he got all these forms immediately...anyhow, just interesting is all.

for anyone who missed the sweet buy-in prices the other day...i think we might be hitting sub-penny in the coming months afterall...which will either be a long term blessing or the beginning of a disaster. i'm still very positive on QMNM...not out of hope, but whatever DD i'm able to do. the whole thing would either have to be a fraud or Eugene a crook for it to go down, otherwise, while it might be a longer struggle than we all hoped, this thing has a heck of a future.

Latviski said...


I rifle through those boards once or twice every 1-2 weeks, but there's so much CRAP in there, it's hard to weed through. And don't even get me started on the yahoo board...

Plus, Joe does an awesome job of pulling out the good stuff and saving us the time!!

Most of the pertinent info pops up on my Scottrade news anyways...

Nate Stephens said...

without a doubt there's a lot of crap, and i also stay away from the yahoo board. but i've been watching lately b/c of the latest BK info coming out. it's been good for staying up to date with that...

coinlieutenant said...

Hey guys. Sorry...gone all day and tomorrow briefing Congressional staffers and Congressman Farr tomorrow. BORING stuff...would much rather be trading.

Since you are all my financial buds, wanted to let you know that I got sponsorship and am starting the process to take my series 7 exam. Trying to find a way out of the Navy and still provide for my girls and wife.


I follow and trade fewer stocks that Joe. I have a full time job so I cant watch all the time...or even part of the time. Very very tough honestly.

MFN, AUY, GBN, SA are my miner trades. I play UYG and SKF, but mainly just UYG given the managability....and then just short it for my SKF play.
I play GE on a mid term basis and usually have a long and short position established. I am long CCJ and NRG. I am short KO right now and will actually get optioned on Friday...but it was an easy 3.9%buy/write on an oversold stock. It will go under my strike of 52.5 again for sure.

I also dabble in EWZ. I am long on 3000 shares of ECU that has beena dog, but I have faith. :)

What else? I will get optioned on my FCX that I did a buy/write on as well. 6.5% trade on 100 shares in 10 days. That was a no brainer with little downside. If I had balls and less money in AUY I would have bought 500 shares and made a nice score.

Pennies I have 50K shares of QMNM and FORC and FGOC.

I am also long on a little position of STEM. Obama is going to get elected and STEM will go crazy is my bet...

Latviski said...

Coin - just curious - why GE?

coinlieutenant said...

Because they are a solid solid company...and have been hammered as much as some financials despite having only small losses on their financial arm.

And...water...nuclear. These guys make much of what will be needed in the future for energy production and water conservation/production.

Plus, it is an easy company to write options on. I can write out of the money calls for 1% per month with only a small chance of being I earn 4% or so I like them long term for the above reasons.

Nate Stephens said...

hey coin, could you explain to me what you mean by "manageability" of UYG over SKF?

thanks so much for the long and thorough post. i'm very interested in how others invest. not so i can skip out on my own DD, it just gives me more perspective and things to consider. widens the scope. thanks. good luck with your plays.

Nate Stephens said...

you're very much into options. i'd ask why...but i probably wouldn't understand the answer. i need to research optioning more, i don't know the first thing about it yet.