Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hey Guys

My buddy got his 2nd & 3rd floors rented for Sept 1st so we've been doing some heavy painting and moving. Not sure if we're gonna make it by Saturday when she (28 yr old hottie nurse) moves in on Saturday, but the 1st is really Monday so she'll have to deal with us.

Buys/books filled today:

Added AZK @ $3.01 I checked in on his computer and was shocked???
Added QID @ $40.75
Added DXO @ $18.75
Added DXD @ $61.01
Added SKF @ $126.51

Booked UYG @ $19.99 buy from $19.25

Awesome job Fish, nice book on the SKF earlier this week, nice switch to SWC, Nice book of SWC & nice entry of SKF. Nobody can pick bottoms so don't worry about that. You booked at least 10% I believe and am in almost the same SKF position as you started?? Thats EXACTLY how it's done.

KUDOS to the West Coast college boy!!!!

BTW the 28 yr old nurse has 3 kids :(

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