Thursday, August 21, 2008

This is NOT a head fake

DXO/DGP/GDX are amazing plays. I know some of you bought in when I said to a week or so back so are underwater, but if you can add to that $44 GDX @ $37 here then you'll have a nice average.

Same with DXO, oil WILL get well past the $146 which is why I continued to add even though so many lots are underwater and even dipped into margin.

You newcomers have now seen how the cycles are working now. The markets get propped up by spinning news thus leading the herd back into equities, and then reality sets in and we go lower than the last time. This has been happening for over a year now and the end is still not in sight.

1 comment:

Latviski said...

I know that Coin and I both grabbed a bit of AZK yesterday...just couldn't pass that one up.

Looking to be a nice day from the start w/ gold up strong! :)