Sunday, August 3, 2008

OK guys

I don't want you guys to think i'm letting you down, but i'm not going to be able to get to Kentucky tomorrow. I'm waiting to hear back from Lat, he said he MIGHT go alone or we'll figure out another day, probably on my way home which makes more sense.

I'll let you know when I hear from Lat.



Latviski said...

I'm gonna wait and go w/ Joe in about a week when he's coming back from NC. Should make the trip more bearable having someone to talk to vs. driving alone all day (14 hours driving in one day according to Google maps)!!!

I'll def. be in KY by next week though, one way or another. I want to see it first hand to solidify it in my mind (and yours).

JoeGoog23 said...

Thanks Lat, I just can't picture myself driving 7 hours back towards home then turning around and coming back here after a half hour or so tour.

I hope everyone understands and we'll get there before I head back north.

Plus this gives us a chance to enjoy tomorrow!!