Wednesday, August 27, 2008

MDOR story (click THIS)

Thanks Messie!!


Latviski said...

Holy lack of volume!

Haven't had a chance to look into MDOR yet, but it's definitely one you're going to have to play at the 'ask' price for due to low volume.

Fishfood said...

Morning guys

Planing on booking SWC today and replacing it with SKF

Look at UNG smoking for 2 days straight. I'm gonna hold it as a labour day play and Gustav the hurricane might have an impact as well - otherwise I'll beat myself up for not taking profit

JoeGoog23 said...

I think he's just a troll from I-Hub or something.

Latviski said...

I don't touch low volume stocks like that anyways - just too hard to get in and out.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a troll... sorry didn't mean to be one, anyway. I read your comments and you're one of the few over there whose opinion I respect, so I wanted to see what you thought. I am a newbie, which I know can annoy people because it's difficult to deal with people who don't know what they're talking about. I'll continue to lurk and not troll until I have more knowledge... sorry.

Anonymous said...

But one last thing: I will say that MDOR certainly seems to be kicking QMNM's ass, which I also own shares in.

Latviski said...

Messie -

Yes, QMNM is lagging everything else I own right now. It also has the most potential IMO. I am long and strong QMNM until it either fails or makes me some serious coin.

Nothing 'kicks ass' except sale price minus buy price = profit.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'm long and strong on QMNM too... I bought in @average .017 so, you know. Waiting to see if I lose it all or gain it all. Seems to have a lot going for it, but those cursed MMs keep knocking it down.