Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hey Ron

If it's being done with intentions of lining someone's pockets Ron, then i'm driving down with some of my cousins from Little Italy and speaking to Eugene LOL

He does have day to day expenses and i'm sure Logan isn't paying cash for every ton as it's dropped off to them. Unfortunately it's hard for a company in BK to get net-30 or net-60 terms for their purchases. A positive spin on this would be that if their vendors are accepting shares as payment then they must be pretty confident in the operation as well??????


Latviski said...

Yeah! We'll unleash Vinny Bagadonuts on Eugene if it's dilution to line his pockets!!!!

Nate - give us the story Brooklyn style!!

JoeGoog23 said...

Yeah Nate, i'm sure we could all find some relatives who wouldn't take it too kindly of us getting scammed.

My uncle will make Eugene an offer he can't trefuse ;)

Latviski said...

Hehe - I'll roll out the Eastern European mafia. ;)

Hey comrade...vat you doing? Ve sink ve need you say...vearrange your leetil face.

Nate Stephens said...

eh-oh, Vinny Bagadonuts is how my friggin friends refer to me. low-lifes like dis Eugene guy is gonna be callin me "Uncle Knuckles" when i'm done wit him.

You start sailing straight there Eugene else my boys and i gonna turn you into some friggin Coney Island hotdog meat.

Latviski said...

LMAO x 10.