Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hey guys

I'm back, you guys playing Nat Gas plays!!!!!


Latviski said...

Loving the UNG right here.
There's a good chance we get pipeline disruption/ damage from Gustav.

IMO they are underestimating the heck out of this one...

thesticklawson said...

Joe look at level 2 on MMTE this could get interesting big wall at .0018 but nothing past that to .0025

thesticklawson said...

check that ubss move down to .0021

JoeGoog23 said...

Chartwise we're looking VERY good IMO. We want to end the week over .0017 and we're getting very coiled up ready to spring out of the triangle.

Added UNG @ $36.50 just to be involved :)