Thursday, August 14, 2008


Shorted @ $10.72


Latviski said...

I think you like this play more than me now!

Gold just cannot get a solid footing these days...every move up is taken apart very quickly.

JoeGoog23 said...


Can't find any ranges in SKF/UYG

POG really pissing me off!!

Latviski said...

Market should be down 200 with a CPI like that.
Price inflation is out of control.
Wages are declining.
Jobs are being lost.
Oh and credit is in the shitter.

Yeah, let's go green today.

coinlieutenant said...

Booked 19.90 UYG @ 20.52.

Joe, My low range guess today is 19.59 for UYG. I have a buy order to replace the above sell at that price.

Latviski said...

Look at AZK 1 min chart today....

Nate Stephens said...

here might be a stupid question: is there a way to buy that is similar to a sell trailing stop loss? such as, your order follows a falling price by a 2% range, and once the price hits a low point and bounces back up by 2% it triggers a buy order at that price?

Latviski said...

I don't know of something like that Nate...

I can kind of see why you would want do that, but a limit order should be sufficient.

Nate Stephens said...

a limit order if you know how low it might go, or what you're comfortable with. but if you know it's going down, just not how much, and you can't be around to buy in, it would theoretically help you buy in at a good low when you're away from the computer. anyhow...another interesting day.

Latviski said...

Yeah, I see your point. It def. doesn't exist on Scottrade's trading platform...just checked.

hehe - you wanna catch a falling knife, huh? But only after it stops falling!!!

Nate Stephens said...

i got my steel baseball mitts on!!! i'm ready!!!

i just think it'd be a nice way to stay "active" when you can't be around. a lazy ass way of trading.

Nate Stephens said...

After watching the sharp rise in the main markets that just occurred, i want everyone to know that things in the world are just fine right now. The chart says so. Head on down to Walmart and buy your friends some Hannah Montana t-shirts. Go enjoy yourselves for once...things are dandy!!!

Latviski said...

At this point we can argue 'filling the gap' on the charts from the open.

Any higher and it's just nuts.

I would 'expect' a 200 point down day w/ news like this...gonna go study and come back later.

Goldfinger said...

Call me a conspiracy nut, but I've come to the opinion that we are un likely to see any major selloffs until the games are over...