Friday, August 29, 2008


How bout them Steelers?????????????????????LMAO


thesticklawson said...

You got me there but truthfully I did not know half of them crusters playing for them panthers

JoeGoog23 said...

Meaningless game as i'm sure you know. Morning bud!!

Latviski said...

How 'bout those Baltimore Ravens! LMAO even harder.

Boring game - only watched a small bit.

JoeGoog23 said...

Love the new bike LAT!!

VERY boring game's this preseason!!

Let's get this energy sector moving this afternoon.

Latviski said...

Ducati 848 is one slick machine.

I will get a 'QMNM' decal on the tank if it pays for it. ;)

And gold...for the love of SOMETHING!!