Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Exactly Nate

It's great if you can't be at your computer all day and want to maximize profits or minimize losses.

I've been using my Power E-Trade Pro for the longest time, but when you got me to check the TD Ameritrade streamer last night, I'm hooked. It's fvcking awesome. Just gotta set up my watch lists.


Nate Stephens said...

are you talking specifically about the newer Command Center 2, or just some of the specific streaming tools? i'm setting up the CC 2 layout right now and looking into it more. all the numbers are zero since the transfer hasn't started, but maybe i should get used to it. with the way things have gone i could see plenty more zeros in the future! zoinks!!

yeah, so far i'm very very happy i'm moving over to TD Amer. I can not begin to describe the huge differences w/ Fidelity. it's boggling.

JoeGoog23 said...

Yeah, the 2.0

Set your watch list for the top half of the screen with whatever you like (high/low/volume/last/bid/ask...)

Then have a level 2 section where you can input whatever symbol you want

Then a chart section
It's similar to the Power E-Trade but seems easier??