Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Added @ $7.97


Latviski said...

That's the exact price I added it last week. :)

I already sold, of course!

JoeGoog23 said...

I'm going to be on and off here today cause my buddy ended up getting today off too so he has the rest of the week off. He's just getting up but we gotta a "honey do" list from his girl we gotta handle!!

Latviski said...


I was running around last week shopping w/ my 17 y/o cousin and sister. Tough stuff.

Good luck!!

Ron said...

Markets pricing in a FED rate change today?

Latviski said...

I doubt it; think they stay pat and give rosy talk on how things will turn in last quarter + early 2009...

Which, of course, is a load of crap.

Latviski said...

Added SWC @ 7.25. Just can't pass this up...

Hope we get a turn in metals soon.

Nate Stephens said...

i'd like to have a little "poll" here:

what miner do you think has held up the best over the last couple weeks? of the ones i watch, EGO has done an amazing job. right now it's at the same price it was just over 2 weeks ago. others are down 20% from 2 weeks ago (like AUY). now i realize AUY and others still have strength and will do well in the future, but which miners have done the best recently...

coinlieutenant said...

MFN has held up pretty well Nate.

coinlieutenant said...

Added FCX back at 77.57. too low to pass up.

Ron said...

added SKF $117.

No Rate Change From The FED

Ron said...

SKF $113! Glad I have some dry powder to average down. Looks as if a market rebound is in the works.

Lower Oil, lower gold. O' happy day's are here again, the sky is blue and clear again! la la laa laa laa...

Just in time for November 4th...as predicted....