Monday, August 18, 2008


Booked $16.13 @ $16.58


jelly_bellymm said...

Didn't know where to post this...

Things aren't going so well on the trading gang forum. Cubed deleted one of my posts, so I asked him to be fair next time. He implied that I'm stupid and threatened to ban me simply for talking to him! Joe, is this the kind of retardation you had to deal with before you left?

Nate Stephens said...

joe wasn't the only one getting f#cked with over there. i don't really care for that group much myself. a lot of hot-heads. you'd think they might have mellowed out by now.

Nate Stephens said...

gold did okay today, but the miners were snoozing. hopefully tomorrow shows a climb up to around 815. don't know if we can ask for much more than that.

JoeGoog23 said...

He's a grumpy old man who doesn't like his life that much so he takes it out on others. I feel really bad because he has the potential" to be a decent human.

Must be some gang they have LOL

JoeGoog23 said...

Nate, I just got back and it looks like POG held up OK this afternoon but the miners couldn't get any traction.

We're not going to make it to the election like Ron thinks. We're gonna collapse in the main markets/financials within a month.


JoeGoog23 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nate Stephens said...

so i was just reading an article about the next wave in the mortgage crisis..."liar loans" and "ninja loans". ninja loans? holy smokes, they were giving out mortgages to ninja's? we're all f#ucked now, never trust a ninja. gonna be hoards of homeless ninjas panhandling on the street corners this holiday season. hopefully if ninjas are down, gold will go up...anyone have chart on relating the two?

Latviski said...

Liar loans are Alt-A. Basically they accepted 'your word' or one paystub as proof of your 100k/ year salary working at McDonalds.

And yes, Alt-A will cause bigger problems than subprime.

Never heard of Ninja loans...maybe you had to break the bankers desk with your head or something to get one?

jelly_bellymm said...

LOL! I just got banned. I did absolutely nothing between last night(when the threat happened) and now, and all-of-a sudden I'm banned! Maybe Cubed is having PMS issues in his old age...