Thursday, September 25, 2008

Very Important

Due to the 250+ gain in the Dow today, we are in an urgent situation that requires Congress to give the Treasury Secretary, Paulson, ABSOLUTE power in DUMPING gov't held bad debt onto the balance sheets of the financial companies that are causing this out of whack increase in the market. Furthermore, Mr Cox from the SEC has instituted a long buying ban so that nobody can take a long position in any stock that looks like it is part of the problem.

"These are dire times", said Secretary Paulson, "we are at risk of having financial and other stocks being valued at a price higher than what they are worth."

Hopefully this will help us in attaining a true valuation in the equity market.

Stupid FVCKS!! Imagine voting yes on their proposed plan. The only good thing is that it will create so much confusion and chaos that we are going to see volatility that we have never seen before, all based on speculation on what is being done and if it is helping at all. SKF-UYG-SKF-UYG-SKF-UYG-SKF $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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