Monday, September 15, 2008


Added @ $127.00


Latviski said...

Ahhhh!!!My scottrade keeps freezing up! Driving me nuts as I have to reload the damn Java windows...

Latviski said...

Sold UYG 18.72

Anonymous said...

skf bouncing in late session. this thing is going to the moon. srs will follow BIG time.

Do you guys buy options on SKF/SRS? that is how i mainly play them.

Nate Stephens said...

hard to say what will happen. for the last few weeks when we've had similar events and days, the following day is followed up with "bargain hunting" and a rally. and even though there was bad news, investors seem happy in having some newer understanding or "certainty" with the situation.

i hope tomorrow follows suit since i bought some UYG for the first time. trying to follow the trend. hopefully that trend didn't finally decide to end today. yikes.

Anonymous said...

nate, i agree with you 100%. however SKF is a position i keep adding to and SELDOM profit take (i.e. when we reached 200's). I see it @ 500 in 06 months.

do you buy outright or you go through options to lever up more?

Nate Stephens said...

i don't have a clue about options at this point, but am interested in learning more. just need to set aside the time to do so.

i bought the UYG as a gamble. i would have traded in the same day, but can't. so hopefully i can book a small profit on it tomorrow. or maybe i just f-ed up and need to stop trading for now.

JoeGoog23 said...

SKF most likely won't reach 200 again unfortunately. I have a lot just over $200 and will be glad to book it. Best way to play is book every few % and add on the pullbacks which if you watched today, happen ALL THE TIME. It's the best way to maximize your profits Bearpath.