Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Soaring now!!!!!!!


Latviski said...

Well yes it is!

Today may be the day I sell my 140 lot. :) :)

JoeGoog23 said...

I got a bunch left as i'm sure you know :)

Latviski said...

Yep, and it looks like you'll be booking some more today.

JoeGoog23 said...

Good times are rolling along here.

Going to Florida to drive my mom's car down when she goes for the winter in a month or so, so i'd like to clean up my slate a bit.

Latviski said...

Definitely - I'm looking forward to clearing out my SKF and beginning to replace it with UYG.

You're also welcome to swing by good ol' Baltimore if you want on the way down or up. Just give me at least a day's heads up!

JoeGoog23 said...

I might just do that after the North Carolina wedding fiasco with the bride!!


Latviski said...

Added UYG 16.5

Anonymous said...

UYG doesn't look like it's been performing well... excuse my ignorance but are you shorting that one, or just buying it?

Anonymous said...

imo about time. it should be trading with a 2 handle and then some.

be careful selling, you might miss a jump overnight with all the S**tshows going on.

JoeGoog23 said...

Be careful selling?????????

You mean be careful NOT booking I think. Been up and down this SKF/UYG trade a few times and know the PERFECT way to play. Guess you haven't been following lately???

Anonymous said...

yeah i guess your right, but im no flipper. my style is short-medium term to increase large balances over time, rather than in and out like you folks. plus most of my trading is futures/options. so yes i meant be carefule selling. im a seller at 250 a share.
however do what works for you its clearly working!!!

JoeGoog23 said...

Didn't mean to come across as abrasive, just not a fan of buy and hold as noone can predict tops or bottoms, thus my system.

Anonymous said...

not at all!!
sold some SKF calls, so far your right :)