Monday, September 22, 2008


Booked $96.90 SKF @ $99.20
Added UYG @ $20.40


Fishfood said...

Hello there

congrats with all the bookings - Perhaps Hank and Ben's cheating game isn't so bad after all :)

Just got this on my streamer - looks like the roof is on fire

"NYMEX crude oil traded at it's max limit. Circuit breakers for Globex are in effect. The crude oil, heating oil, and gasoline markets are currently halted for five minutes. The crude oil, heating oil, and gasoline markets will re-open on Globex at 12:36:15 CT with expanded trading limits."

Latviski said...


Money is moving into 'things', since Paulson is willing to kill the dollar and there is zero confidence in the equities markets now.

Again, way to go Skeletor!