Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Send me your addresses

I'm moving to Cancun guys. I'll get a private jet and we can live like kings down there.

Anything is better than this Government.


Latviski said...

It's pretty outrageous isn't it? I mean - they are basically wiping their asses with everything this country stands for (and against).

I'm calling my reps tomorrow; prob. wont do any good, but what the heck - I'm pissed and they're gonna hear about it.

And this whole barack mccain meeting up in DC? WTF? Like these guys have a solution? They both decided they knew nothing and are making themselves indistinguishable from each other so you can't even vote properly!

I'm writing someone in.

JoeGoog23 said...

You go bud, it's not even worth argueing with people about anymore. I just wish Gold was reacting properly and exploding!!!!!!!

Latviski said...

I think once they pass this thing - which it seems obvious they will do one way or another, gold will come into it's own right.

Ron said...

Ever since Diebold propriety software electronic voting...election stealing has never been easier...

Fishfood said...

Thanks for all the good info today

No trades - but I think that bill is gonna go through. Markets will go up short term and then take a sharp turn down.

BTW anyone heard of Naomi Klein and her "Shock doctrine" here's a link to a short video