Friday, September 12, 2008


Sorry i've been busy trading this AM guys, not too often I can get into a flow like this week and wanna take full advantage.

What do you guys think about Monday???

I think nothing gets done over the weekend and the financials get hit on Monday or Fed intervention on Monday (Rate cut) which would help us greatly!!!


jelly_bellymm said...

Monday...tough question. I bet we have some action over the weekend by the Fed involving a bank or two. I think we have found a bottom in gold and we go up from here. Newbie thoughts though...

Latviski said...

I'm playing a little longer out these days, but my take is with spreads widening out and CDS issues exploding - financials are going to train wreck no matter what.

The Fed can cut to zero. Won't matter, but it would help our goldies!

Ike will be a big factor too, as it looks like it's going to throw one hell of a storm surge up at Texas.

It's impossible to believe any news any more regarding markets, so even though Paulson says no gov't (taxpayer) dollars for LEH, that could change Sunday...bunch of pricks. Either way, it's fun knowing they've got 50 spinning plates on sticks and they're all slowing down really fast.

JoeGoog23 said...

I'm with you Jelly RE Gold Hopefully the miners can have a nice follow through to today's gains.

Financials are a wreck no matter what like Lat says.

So basically we all like our positions still :)

Wait till I start booking my miners on the move up :)