Monday, September 29, 2008


Added 1,000,000 shares @ .0008 (WTF is going on today?)


Anonymous said...

..ummm The Great Depression II?

Latviski said...

Beats me - I've got a chem test tonight, so only getting a chance now to quickly check on things - gonna be too busy this week to do any real trading.

Damn - my pennies are getting vaporized! Hopefully, they turn at some point soon!

Also hoping that gold comes into it's own soon and starts stacking some big gains. Was a pretty solid dive off the cliff this am for the nasdaq huh? RIMM getting rimmed again - maybe this is the much needed P/E adjustment this market needs...

Anonymous said...

crazy 1MM for 800 bucks!

Hey Joe when we first met at another forum you told me you had 20,000,000 shares of QMNM, you still holding those pigs???

JoeGoog23 said...

20 million????????? I just reached 2.3 million with my last buy @ .002??? And no I haven't sold any since I started accumulating. My pennies are like a gambling fund.