Sunday, September 14, 2008


Barclays backed out of any possible deal with LEH.

Tomorrow could get wild.


Anonymous said...

Will that effect stuff like FCX or energies? Financials only, market wide?

Latviski said...

It SHOULD tank financials, and broad market should go down hard too. Check out tickerforum for details (there's a link on Joe's main page...on TF there are about 4-5 threads covering just LEH!)

Has nothing to do with energy; lack of refinery destruction by Ike may actually cause oil to drop more.

Anonymous said...

shit. I'm tired of losing money.

Anonymous said...

Ok I don't really understand what's going on... I went to TF but everyone is all in a panic. Is it time to sell everything and just accept the losses?

Latviski said...

I don't know what exactly you are holding, but if it's goldstocks (like me) I am holding those longterm as I believe we will hit hyperinflation after the deflation we are in.

I also am short financials via SKF (which should be up tomorrow), and have UNG long position (bought before Gustav)...

Anonymous said...

I don't have any gold unless you count FCX. I also don't short... don't really understand it. I play long mostly. I like the solars and natural gas. I also own a tech (jnpr) and then a few pennies.