Thursday, September 18, 2008

I feel like I gave birth today

I gotta get something to eat guys, fun day (whew)!!!


Fishfood said...

Great day, great bookings, good entries and we start all over again tomorrow

Good obs. about SA and the new short rule looks like GMO is in that category as well.

I'm also out of SKF but hold 2 lots of SRS - feeling more comftable here year low is 77

Anonymous said...

Tht SKF I addid earlier @ 132 is now down to 112... feck. Please tell me it will go back up soon, and that I didn't just make another stupid buy!

Latviski said...

I bought at 140, Messie. Didn't see that 600 point turnaround coming...we're not done yet...

They are getting desperate, and in so, increasing the likelihood of a total failure (i.e. crash)

Anonymous said...

LOL the gov't is willing to create an entity to absorb bad debt from the financials???

Fishfood said...

I wonder if I can place my losses there as well :)

Latviski said...

Unfortunately fellas, it looks like yes, they will try and repeat the S&L bailout w/ an RTC; will it work - probably not. This is, in fact, their absolute last line in the sand. If this fails, it's game over. Period. I've got one lot of SKF I will hold in case this does fail, as it would be catastrophic! Other than that, I'll be scalping trades long and short like always - taking cues from Joe!

Honestly, markets would function better if they were unmanaged. Oh well - got to keep on trading with the flow.