Monday, September 15, 2008


Booked $14.88 @ $15.33


Ron said...

Just checking in guys! Looks like you have a following here Joe! 44 votes!

I'm still holding SKF and QMNM. Mostly ignoring them for the moment. Long term is all I have time for these days.

If QMNM arrives I might be able to spend more time?

Rate cut? Not sure about that. It seems everyone 'thinks' we're doing fine economically. At least, the spin is causing folks to feel fine, that and cheaper gas prices at the pump. If there is a cut, the market will probably take off.

I think I posted here about a title company that had 120 employees last year, down to 19 now! Even the Building Inspection Dept has let folks go from lack of work.

Election year antics. After February TSHTF. Maybe before....

Anonymous said...

I sold a bunch of stuff this morning. I'm not cut out for this kind of volatility. I kept QMNM though... I've already lost so much on that one it doesn't matter!