Monday, September 22, 2008


Booked $10.06 @ $10.36


Latviski said...

Gold is really bouncing off that 900 ceiling.

Made up my losses on SKF from Friday just by holding the goldies. If there's gonna be hyperinflation, I'm damn well going to be protected via gold and assets. ;)

Got class tonight, so not trading - just studying today!

Looks like you're on a roll today!

JoeGoog23 said...

Yeah, not even having to do anything but book. Makes for a fun & profitable day.

Latviski said...

Nice work!!

Things are definitely headed in the right direction for our miners. Short term pain now heading towards long term gain :)

I also find it amusing as hell that the market is down over 200!!

We back the damn banks with basically the entire wealth of the country and the market goes down. LMAO.