Monday, September 29, 2008

Asia & Australia

Already 3-5% down!!!! POG is holding $900 nicely, and I think it's in a beautiful formation to break out of to the upside.



Fishfood said...

I got killed today - but I think I aced my metabolic pathways test :)

It looks like today was the day Wall Street send an S.O.S. to Washinton

I hope commodities will go up from here cause it's not fun no more

BTW:That Cyclist guy has been terifying precise lately

Latviski said...

Cyclist has superpowers. ;)

Nice work on the metabolic path test! I just had my organic chem exam tonight...whew! TEN PAGES LONG!!!! Nailed it though. :)

I can't wait for POG to cross the 1k mark again. I have quite a bit in miners right now!!!

Fishfood said...

Well if I can't be a stocktrader I might as well take school serious :)

Nice to see you guys making good adds today unfortunately I'm out of cash again so have to wait

Lat also nice to know you're doing well with your studies

I'll have a Cuban cigar when $1000 is reached and start dreaming about being a stocktrader again

Latviski said...

Yeah, AUY at these levels (mid 8's) is just too hard to turn down! Should be above 10 in a hurry as Joe mentioned earlier today, and hopefully over 20 by next summer. I certainly own enough that I will do very well if this happens!

It'll happen this fall I think - crossing 1k mark again. And a Cuban is a nice way to celebrate. I'm going to go buy a nice bottle of Chateauneuf du Pape and share it with my lucky lady. ;)