Friday, July 18, 2008

Eugene selling

If someone could post a link that would be awesome. The last one I saw was the sale of 1.32 million on July 2nd which wasn't posted until July 9th. I want to be sure the 1.37 million isn't the same. If it is different then first you need to be sure of the date sold, not the date the form was filed. If the sale was I week ago he could have sold for over .04 cents. Either way these shares were probably received by Eugene when the stock was under .001

They've barely been producing for a week and I find it positive that he's not diluting shares for expenses and I heard he was fully vested and may need the proceeds for a multitude of expenses going all the way to having the coal washed off site before it's shipped.

I'll admit, when I saw the .016 yesterday I started to get nervous, then told myself that i'm in it for the long haul and actually had to refrain from buying another 100,000 shares (that will come in 2 1/2 weeks after me & Lat visit) ;)

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