Thursday, July 31, 2008

Last post

until probably some time Saturday guys.

I'm off early tomorrow morning for my 14 hour trek to North Carolina. Might stick around till 8:30 to see the numbers?????

If not i'll be back on over the weekend & Lat i'll buzz you Saturday to figure out where we are gonna meet on Monday.



Latviski said...

Have a safe trip bro - I'll talk w/ you on Sat.

Ron said...

14 hrs! why not fly?

JoeGoog23 said...

Wanted to have my car down there Ron for the trip to the mine and hate wasting money on rentals.

ANother tip for you day-traders who want to do it for a living, don't let it change you and live within your needs. (Of course a nice inground pool is fine)

I drive my mom's car back and forth from Florida every year for her and always stay over at my buddies in NC so this is routine for me.

Get's me off the computer and gives me some time listen to some Lil' Wayne ;)

JoeGoog23 said...

Plus it's actually only a little over 10 hours but I gotta stop at as many 99's as possible for steak tips :)

Latviski said...

In ground pool + Ducati is all I need.


mastergunner said...