Monday, April 28, 2008

Steve Leisman is a joke

He must get a bonus if he helps pump the market. How can he seriously call himself a professional economist????

He's trying to show how this stimulus package is going to affect consumer spending and he can't even get the amount of stimulus checks correct. He needs to adjust for the TENS of MILLIONS of people who are going to have their rebate applied to their balance due to the IRS, and also to the MILLIONS who will not be filing until October 15th due to extension.

What a joke!!


coinlieutenant said...

What are your thoughts on that play? Joe mentioned a different plan if gold let us down. Were you thinking along the bond lines?

No pertinent info? Pretty much do you have a customer for bust halves or not. :)

I dont have details as I havent bought them yet.

coinlieutenant said...

Oh...I see I didnt say "halves" in the original message. Sorry. :o

Gcubed said...

John, I would look like a horses ass If I just asked customers if they were interested in bust halves without any other info for them. I have customers yes. I wouldn't for long if I just led them on. Get the picture?? ;) Oh, I was sure you were speaking of halves.

Gcubed said...

One more thing John. When youasked, you stated that you had "picked up" the coins. Now you say you haven't bought them. What should I think?

coinlieutenant said...

Why you getting so upset cubed? I never asked you to talk to your customer about them. I simply asked if you had a customer for some. If you did, I was willing to keep you informed as things developed.

If I said picked up, I should have said, "am going to pick up today"...

geek said...

I agree... I believe Steve Leisman is clueless, kinda like that "special" child in the family that we all smile at when they try to say something. Steve Leisman is CNBC's Geraldo Rivera... we all just smile and tolerate him because he means well...however he knows nothing about economics. Must be married to the boss's daughter;)