Friday, April 11, 2008


Has a BEAUTIFUL chart he just posted to his thread over at GIM!! Looks like we're heading to about $922 Monday morning then up to $955 area by Tuesday morning!! All signs are pointing to a nice run early next week (fingers crossed)!!

On top of that it looks as if SKF could be making a run at $135 area next week!! JMO DYODD


coinlieutenant said...

Hey guys...just got back from golf.

I was listening and reading...seems that GE has quite the exposure to CDS's!!!

I was not aware of this...just wanted to pass it on now that I saw it. I think we will get a bounce, but I am a bit less bullish on GE now that I heard that.

swattsup said...

I bought a batch of GE too - hoping that it will show a bounce next week.

Or, if things turn sour next week, that because this has been so beaten down it'll be slower to react and give me plenty of time to get out.