Tuesday, April 22, 2008


All you need to know Swattsup is that he's a level above AX in the cult. The master of all cheerleaders. Basically predicts a level for gold at a certain time then adjusts the chart foward till it's correct and all the "followers" think he's genius.

Every asset class needs someone like him pumping the asset or else it won't rise.

Tough loss John :(


coinlieutenant said...


See my comment in previous post. I dont think he is anything like Ax. He recognizes traders...he merely says if you must, trade without margin given the voliatility that will occur, and if you miss, dont sell as the bull market should save you.

Just my two cents.


Peter said...

Sup guys. Judging by your sentiments and those of other gold traders, I can say the smart money are doing their jobs well, and we will be going higher soon. A lot of weak hands have been shaken out. I hope you guys all remain strong because I doubt we have seen the highs before the summer.