Monday, April 21, 2008


Have we hit the summer doldrums???? I was hoping for another run over $1000???? Either that, or another sell-off in the main markets!!!!


Gcubed said...

Let ask Ax!!!

Don't hit me Joe!!! LOL!! :)

Gcubed said...

Joe, turn your phone ON!!!!!

Goldfinger said...

I think I'm leaning more towards cubed every day on this one. Volume is pitiful right now and I don't see much coming up to get the herd excited. I think a good portion of the common investors remember the tech bubble and are content to sit on the sideline fearful of this subprime mess.

Gcubed said...

I just see things going sideways until the buck starts getting hammered again. I can't understand how in the hell its fall has been so tempered lately.

Gcubed said...

Oil appears to be helping us this morning.

Gcubed said...

Euro also ;)