Friday, April 4, 2008


If you hear me talking about the "right" direction it'll ALWAYS be metals going higher and main markets going lower. Missed any Apple News???

As for GDX, I almost bought some today. I have some i bought @ $49.45 before the last run up and never booked. I could see it pushing $60+ this next run!!!! Did you buy in to it??


mdp said...

I had it on my radar screen because it has options which alot of the etf's do not, but had forgotton about it til I looked on my blotter and saw the initials...

As for appl...rodin at gim said that the steve jobs report would overshadow the jobs report...wondered if I had missed something.

Think the markets want to retest thier lows aor close before the late april/may run, if thier is one.



Tom C said...

HD thoughts? at the top of its main downtrend, can't imagine the fundamentals having this trade much higher. HD

thinking about trying my hand with this monday, figured id run it by here