Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Great advice, my dad died when I was little so my uncle became my father figure and he's been single for life and retired at 42 and is a millionaire now. Taught me VERY well about the ways women could mess up your life :)


swattsup said...

865 POG. Glad I sold a big chunk of my portfolio yesterday morning. Wish I had sold more. Earlier.

Now it's a waiting game to see when it's a good time to jump back in. And into what.

Gcubed said...

Oil doin' nicely this morning Joe. Guess the wave count was off a bit.

Gcubed said...

GDP up 0.6%
No Recession!!!! Yeah!!!!! ROFL ;)

coinlieutenant said...

Right on, 0.6% growth during a period of free money and socialized banking risk. Whew...we are doing GREAT!

mdp said... the plan to wait til 2:15 and hop on one or the other or get both before and dump one? What about putting a slightly out of the money bids on both and the winner buys itself on the move?

Only thing is many times the market gets confused and goes both ways for a few

And by the way ....good morning..mdp/mike

swattsup said...

Morning guys.

My understanding is that GDP was up - until you take out the growth in inventories. Which means actual consumer spending declined.

mdp said...

Also noticing that the S@P is right at the upper trend line from the oct high...if I were to bet, the direction will be down unless they really make the markets happy today at 2:15...



Peter said...

What's up Joe?? Hey I'm still alive been lurking in the background, just been super busy lately working with the UMASS endowment fund. We will be allocating a nice chunk of change to metal miners and energy, I'm pretty pumped.

As for my personal portfolio I'm in the same boat as you. Siting on some big losses, only good play lately, I bought a little bit of Ambak at $3.25. Booked it yesterday, wish I'd waited til today for another 5%. Nice move with DCR yesterday, I wish I followed your lead.

I noticed that too mdp. All the main markets are at the top of the range, but with imbedded stochastic they have a lot of momentum. A spin on the news will continue the rally, even accelerate it. Before today's announcement I was thinking to play UUP, the dollar up ETF. This seems to be a sure thing, whatever they end up doing should help the dollar.

Joe ever been to Amsterdam?? I was there last summer, you can get in some big trouble there. Never been to Cancun, that is my choice.

NotNOW said...

Signs of bottom calling in PM's continue to crop up. As we approach gold's the 200dma I become "convinceable".

I too am sitting on some losses, AUY, SLV. I may begin adding AUY soon, it has run down quite a bit.

I need a Hawk chart.