Monday, April 7, 2008


I added that around 2:30 today. You're in for a nice average and should do extremely well. I had a lot @ $14.49 and booked it Friday afternoon for a 3 1/2 % or so. I basically will book when the price is nearing the entry point of the next lowest lot. My next two lots are $15.31 & $15.49 so I booked the $14.49 and today when we pulled back close to that I added it back so I basically booked the profit and was able to re-establish the position at almost the same price.

I'm not sure of the amount of time you can spend watching each day or how many shares you have but I would be adding at the current level or lower.


John said...

ok, thanks for feedback; will be watching closely your blog for directions then. Got around 6500 AUY stock, and that's 40% of my portfolio savings. Rest is cash.

Have enough time to follow your blog closely...


John said...

...and BTW why is AUY going down with POG going up ???