Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Trying to find a miner that hasn't been beaten up too badly so I can short. Thanks in advance!!


Gcubed said...

Can't get an uptick Joe??

Gcubed said...

Centerra Gold Joe. Bruce just bought, that's a sign from Heaven for you know what. ;)

swattsup said...

Haha, poor Bruce has such a rep.

On the other hand - short them all. They're all going down anyway.

coinlieutenant said...

What a mess this is. Tomorrow is going to be crazy.

I think SKF is going to spin it positive either way the fed goes. Just closed out my SKF covered call position. Wrote another for May at 95 for $6.50. If I am wrong and the market sells off because of no rate cut, I lose...:(

I have to say that cash looks more and more exciting each day this crap goes on...

Gcubed said...

Hot Tip From a Cryin' Bopper Joe!

It's a sea of red!!!!
My gold/silver stock watchlist of about 40 stocks is almost all red. There's only 3 stocks green:
BVN (+0.74%)
CGLD (+1.59%)
QMM (+1.97%)