Monday, April 14, 2008


I'll try to dig it up if it's true!! BRB

I found articles about 10 offices in Connecticut & 30 in Caliofornia

Nothing about today particularily


Goldfinger said...

That's about what I'm finding. Nothing specific about today though...

Gcubed said...

one more

mentions company wide layoff

Goldfinger said...

Looks like the April 9th layoffs may have just made their way down the rumor line. I can't find anything about one occuring today. The news supposedly came down in a conference call at 11:00 mst. That was about 2 hours ago if I'm not mistaken. I would think something that big would be all over the net by now...

Gcubed said...

Appear to me that Citi tried to keep it quiet maybe??