Wednesday, August 20, 2008

We'll get there Lat

I'm gonna be helping my sisters BF finish building the front porch which I guess will consist of me watching until I get hurt somehow?????

Put in a few orders but i'll have my laptop nearby and will check in from time to time.

Lat can start new posts if he's around so you guys don't have to post on the same thread.

GL guys!!!!!


Latviski said...

Good luck with the porch!

At least someone, somewhere is building...

Nate Stephens said...

The latest housing starts numbers are in and lower than analysts expected. However CNBC correspondent Mike Hunt reports that he saw a deck being built in Rhode Island. The Dow soars 300 points.

who's side are you on, joe!!!

JoeGoog23 said...


Good thing I checked this before we left to get the materials.

Nate you ROCK!!!!!

Latviski said...

Does having a pool classify your abode as waterfront property?! ;)

We're getting some big candles on the spy up and down. Lot's of indecision...

Latviski said...

Decided to book one lot of SKF at 135.5 (set a limit sell in and got tripped).

Will buy back, of course, if we continue this little upwards swing. :)

Latviski said...

My bad - sale of SKF was @ 136.5

Go me. :)