Monday, August 25, 2008


Added @ .026 Seems like the low end of this 30%+ range!!!!


Fishfood said...


If you tape a cardboard on the rear wheel it will make a "moterish" sound that might earn you some street respect.

Sold SKF at 129,85 waiting to add but looking at SWC

JoeGoog23 said...

Nice profit Fish!!! SWC looks like the quickest play to a 10% gain!!

Latviski said...


Fish - playing cards/ cardboard sure do give it that authentic two-stroke, 5cc engine sound.

I can barely keep the ladies off my 'king of spades' moto!

Fishfood said...

I know

Nice to get the dust of the trigger finger

added SWC at 8,87

Latviski said...

Fish...please tell me you mean 6.87.

Fishfood said...

Wow going to school is so great you learn stuff that really interests you - NICE girls all around and you can get wireless internet all over campus and trade stocks. I'm having a great time today

Fishfood said...

Yes 6,87 - sorry trigger finger still smoking :)

Latviski said...

You are living the life Fish.

Soak it up - the sun, the knowledge and ESPECIALLY the girls!!

Fishfood said...

The best thing here is that the stock market opens at 6:30 am

In Denmark it was 15:30 pm

Now I can go out at night without my laptop

JoeGoog23 said...

"Welcome to the Good Life"

As Kanye would say!!!!

Let's get SWC moving now!!!!!

JoeGoog23 said...

5:00 AM for pre-market trades. I got up before 4:00 AM when I lived in Vegas, it was awesome.