Thursday, August 28, 2008


Hey guys, we waiting on Gustav????? Up 3% already and you know my quick booking finger ;)


thesticklawson said...

guessing a close of 38.05

thesticklawson said...

put good book

JoeGoog23 said...

Thats about what I look for (4%)


Latviski said...

I want more from this.

I see 40's.

JoeGoog23 said...

I'm gonna ride it with you Lat, maybe it'll make up for HERO some.

GO GUSTAV!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Latviski said...

This one pays off on Tues IMO.

thesticklawson said...

people did not want to hold overnight. who knows why they dont realize cat 3 or 4 will have people looking at UNG

thesticklawson said...

Joe what happened to this stock in the last month 60 to 38 dang

JoeGoog23 said...

Nat Gas got clobbered along with oil. Just pulling back to where it was before the run-up of Nat Gas.

thesticklawson said...

this looks like easy money right now im just out of the powder. Once MMTe runs like me and you know it can + .10 i will be here with you guys. The more buying power the better is the way i look at it.

JoeGoog23 said...

Exactly right, it allows you to "plant" the lots I talked about on the way down so you're ready for any reversal.

Stay with us and watch when gold runs all the booking we do. You'll love it.