Monday, August 25, 2008

No offense if you're a McCain fan...

but I hate this kind of crap (text below). Private companies SHOULD NOT be propped up by the government (aka our tax dollars). Capitalism is built on survival of the fittest and that is essential; if a company needs to fail, so be it. If it has ALREADY failed, it should not be put on life support with our tax dollars (cough...GM).
"McCain Backs Govt Plan To Help U.S. Auto Makers"
"WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., in an important shift, said on Friday he backs a plan for the federal government to provide low-interest loans to struggling U.S. auto makers. The presumptive Republican presidential nominee said the loans are needed to help auto makers build the next generation of cars and become financially stable. "Our auto companies are rising to the challenge of building the next generation of American cars, but are doing so in times when credit conditions cripple the funding for the facilities and technologies to take the steps to the future," McCain said in a statement. "

1 comment:

JoeGoog23 said...

I seriously don't vote Lat, and not saying McCain himself should be saying this, but if the gov't is gonna bail out the Financials that lined themselves with profits, I think this is great for us as it shows, hey you're bailing out those pigs but every other sector is on it's own?? Not saying I think they should in any way bail out the automakers, but I love that being thrown out there.